Janice’s Journal: Educating the U.S. Supreme Court

How can we educate the U.S. Supreme Court when they refuse to listen?  One way is to make noise at their place of business so that they can no longer ignore us.

That is the foundation for the plan announced yesterday to hold a vigil on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 7, 2023, near to the 20th anniversary of the Court’s infamous decision, Smith v. Doe.

In that decision, the Court made a terrible a mistake, a mistake that has caused and continues to cause significant harm in the lives of more than 1 million people required to register as well as their families.

Because of that decision, families have literally been torn apart.  Fathers have been removed from their homes and unable to care for or even view photos of their children.  Mothers have been required to choose between their husbands and their children.

In addition, every person on the registry – male or female – has had and continues to face great challenges finding a job, any job and then keeping that job.  Regardless of the number of degrees they been awarded or their skills.

There are additional challenges each person on the registry and their families face on a daily basis including homelessness and the threat of vigilante violence.  It is no wonder then that some registrants choose to self-isolate, in the hope of becoming invisible.

Self-isolation and invisibility do not help, however.  That is because when an individual takes this path it does not stop the constant rain of new laws passed by government at every level (city, county, state and federal) and applied retroactively due to Smith v. Doe.

Therefore, this is a clarion call to stop self-isolation and to become visible.  To step onto the path of self-empowerment as an individual and as a member of a group that continues to grow in size and power.

There is strength in numbers when those numbers unify and sing the same song.  The tune, “We Shall Overcome”, comes to mind.

There is much to overcome in order to provide those required to register as well as their families an opportunity to live productive and peaceful lives.  The path to that goal includes educating the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the harm that has flowed from the terrible mistake it made in March 2003.  The only way the Court can correct its mistake is to overturn that decision which is based upon a myth published in a magazine.

During the past 18 years, the Court has refused to review any case that could overturn Smith v. Doe including the recent decision by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, Doe v. Snyder, which recognized that the requirement to register is punishment and therefore violates the ex post facto clause of the U.S. Constitution.

We should not and need not continue to hope and pray that the U.S. Supreme Court will come to its senses and overturn Smith v. Doe.  Instead, we should and need to educate the Court regarding the gravity of its mistake.  How better to do that than to stand on the Court’s steps with a long list of harms they have caused?

Please join us on March 7, 2023, on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court.  And together we shall overcome.

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The only thing that’ll make the supreme court cave is the threat of being packed.

People from California are brave everybody needs act accordingly and be mindful of your situations we saw what they did to Martin Luther King John F Kennedy Larry Flynt or anybody who stood up to the Supreme Court we got to protect ourselves and got to support and protect our leaders.

I think the biggest issue that SCOTUS and his disHonor Chief Justice Roberts needs to realize is that the “registry” that they ruled as being non-punitive does not exist anymore. Yes, they looked at a registry in Alaska in 2003, and they determined that it was non-punitive. But, since then, this “registry” has morphed into something that is way more than what it was in Alaska in 2003. I believe this is why we have had the recent rulings in Michigan (state a few days ago and federal). Also the Pennsylvania rulings. Judge Matsch in Colorado.
The “registry” in 2003 was apples. The registry now is oranges.
Hey, your disHonor Roberts, maybe it was like a Price Club membership back in 2003 in Alaska. But now, it’s like a Nazi Camp Internment. Wake up Mr. Chief inJustice!!!

I’ll do it!

Remember, by not taking up Doe vs Snyder, that in itself made a powerful statement. It has forced states (at least in the 6th Circuit, to re-examine some of these draconian laws and some (albeit minor) improvements have been made. State and Federal governments all fight reform tooth and nail.

IF there is any bright side to my conviction and the government labeling me as a “Registered Sex Offender,” it’s how much I’ve realized how incompetent of liars our public servants are.

John Roberts, who falsely claimed registration was like Price Club, and that sex offense reoffense is “frightening and high,” went on to become Chief Justice. Lol fuck him. Same with Kennedy — who talks with so much arrogance (as what seems like a majority of these “judges” do). Their robe means nothing when they fail to uphold the Constitution for ALL people, regardless of political pressure.

I have lost complete faith in this so-called “government,” as I believe most Americans now feel. Over a million sex offenders in the United States of America… the so-called “Land of the Free”, lol. What a complete joke.

I wonder how many of these one million Registered Sex Offenders, with their family and friends, have learned how much of a scam the United States of America is. I bet the impact is exponential and reverberates throughout the country, more so than these selfish politicians, law enforcement, corrupt judges, and other public servants realize. And deservedly so. No wonder we had so many people protest, not just from the BLM side — but also from the MAGA side.

I’m convinced that for a few exceptions, that being a Scam Artist is a prerequisite for 90 percent of the judges. Maybe Justices like Ginsberg, Sotomayor, Gorsuch, and the few lower court judges, and past judges, who have ruled in the restoration of Registered Sex Offender” rights are ok. But for the majority of our so called “judges,” they are mostly Scam Artists.
In my opinion, for a few exceptions, the black robe is a symbol of arrogant scam artist powers.
If you still defend this country, after you’ve been labeled a Registered Sex Offender, relegated to a third-class citizen, and your Constitutional Rights have been violated, even after you’ve become a ‘reformed’ citizen, then you’re a complete Cuck who gets your codependency and boot-licking.

Go fly that American fly up high; it stands for nothing but false hopes, dreams, and the Corporate Welfare state (at the expense of ordinary citizens).

Toughest Job in anyone’s Career, even for a FED Cert Atty Janice, OMG, your plate is especially FULL UNTIL March 31, 2023…HE has placed You on this Earth to servel OMG
You’ll prob change OUR World as You Have already, we can walk freely down the street. Here in CAL

Janice with all due respect educating is good and its never to late for any fan club to understand this registry. Even some had a hard time understanding the 600 precepts and laws in the OT much less living by them in a just way and peaceful way. This registry has put many how do you say under or over the bus with this overreach. So were does the just understanding come in with a government saying damn the torpedos full speed ahead. And some have a theory of covid coming from a bat when many are getting sick of masks today and a shot is mandatory they say.

EDUCATING THE U.S. SUPREME COURT – Smith v. Doe: The Bad News Is… This was a totally bad decision, and a totally wrong decision. However, that was in 2003 – 18 years ago. The God News Is… that the pendulum is starting to swing in the opposite direction because there is a lot of factually, proven empirical data gleaned over these past 18 years that are swinging courts to a position where they are starting to decide in the Registrants favor that these registration laws are patently unconstitutional. Keep up the educational format, the vigil format, write letters and emails, and keep protesting…. and most of all… to those who can afford to fight… LITIGAGT, LITIGAGTE, LITIGATE! It is working!

I spent some time communicating with judicialwatch.org asking that 510c3 to build a National Registry of Judges. If you claim to be watching judges then embrace it, I wrote. I suggested they include much of the information demanded by SOR forms. I already know a man in CA who created a site to list his registration Agents complete with photos! She, the agent, sued him in fed court and lost. He got to keep his database intact and so will Judicial Watch if they take it on. Obviously the compilation of a National Register of Judges would certainly raise some eyebrows, and perhaps evoke a certain amount of pucker factor amongst the flock, but there is definitely a public safety goal inherent in the like.

  Education is good for all even listening is also good. Their was an article on here I guess it was a year or so ago and yes the article said “Let my people go”. Whoever wrote it their must of had a meaning to it or did many miss the meaning and why it was written or were did the verse come from?
So should we all open our bibles or even learn something about Jezebel’s black eye, or some further injustice, or should we all just justify everything and say its all about the database. Now I’m not putting anyone down or do we all walk the walk or talk the talk when it comes to trouble or the evil within, or who does one reach out to.
  One even wonders what is safety today, Is it wearing your seat belt backwards or flying your kite in an electrical storm maybe with a key attached or asking what color panties someone is wearing. Sorry about that, but you get the drift of what I am saying and what Janice is striving to enlighten you all on. Yes comments are good if they have fabric and some form of structure. Did the stock market crash because of lack of control or government over confidence or panic or even confusion.
 Sure safety in numbers is good but who’s enticing in an evil way which is not good, or should we talk about this Jezebel type justice or some false lead-in to compound one. Remember Eve ate the fruit first and than Adam or do we forget in this Me too for justice. So should we let Justice flow down like water or should one say no man is an island, or should we say who has some common sense today in government or even legal issues. Where is the common ground.