Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Sept 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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Maryland judge commits suicide as feds moved in for child porn arrest.
The feds were at the judge’s Henderson home to arrest him on a complaint charging him with sexual exploitation of a child for allegedly filming teenage boys in the nude in his hunting cabin.
Makes you wonder how many people he convicted for similar charges.
Former Massachusetts State Police captain arrested on child porn charges
@Josh. You nailed it. In Michigan, we’re paying a yearly $50 fine, fed & state say so much is SORA is unconstitutional, a f**king map to my house ( great for my wife), and NOTHING is better. I try to keep busy to not dwell on the negativity of it all. Guess that’s the only way I stay sane and not let the oppressors win. When we find some moments of “normalcy” must really piss them off. I hope it all changes, don’t know how. How do you make the most powerful criminals change a registry that they have no intention of ever changing. It would take a better criminal. And there are none
I got run out of a church cause someone threatened to picket my attendance. The pastor asked me, for the sake of the church, to stay home for a few weeks. (Damn coward). Also had me sign a piece if paper their lawyer came up with that I only attend service and never attend or participate in ANY activities. How Christian. However, I was one step ahead and knew not to engage anyways. Before anyone jumps in my s**t for signing, it was more if a f**k you. We took 10 ppl with us and in the next month, big money ppl, some our friends, left also. Hit them where it hurts. Well, sure feels good getting that off my chest.
@Bobby S. I verified two weeks ago at my county jail. They have never said the system was down. They ask for money every time, every 3months. At least since the actual deputies aren’t filing out the paperwork, and acting like I was still inside, things so smoother. Generally out in 15 mins.
Its amazing how many have remarked or had relatable church experiences. The church I attended 16 years ago, when got charged, stood with me. The pastor had me in his office and called my wife down as I explained what I did. NO ONE offered more compassion, strength, dignity for my wife and myself. Hardest conversation in my life, telling her what I did. He kindly reaffirmed that God loved us both and will help us through it. Lost any joy of life that day. I still she him occasionally. He married my son. Too bad he’s retired. Not all men in charge of churches are flakes, degenerates, thieves, or hypocrites, but like outside the church, they exist. Oh s**t . Is there a name for them. . . Oh yeah, politicians.
Clarity. 1st- I still see him. 2nd – He married my son and daughter in law. Upon re reading, that 2nd correction gave a different meaning
Just throwing this out there. If there’s any law enforcement or politicians, masquerading as one of us, stop it. My dad had a friend who made fun of a guy who stuttered. He ended up stuttering himself. On the other hand, there’s an infinite wealth of wisdom and resolve you seem to be missing out in your professional life. Please feel free to expand your point of views and fire off some synopsis of truth and correct the obvious injustices.
@Literally Nobody. That awkwardness stays but wains. I won’t make the connections I once had with ppl, but I’m going for understanding and the word. Never let anyone take the connection you have with God away. Some ppl will find out. True believers will love the person and hate the sin. And they won’t put a stumbling block in your path to righteousness. Someone here reminded me to stand firm. I’ll pass that on to you.
Case Name:People v. Pinedo (2021) 66 Cal.App.5th 608 , District: 5 DCA , Case #: F078442
Opinion Date: 7/15/2021
Case Holding:
Although registration is not a criminal punishment, the repeal of the drug offender registration requirement (Assembly Bill No. 1261) is retroactive to all nonfinal cases pursuant to In re Estrada (1965) 63 Cal.2d 740, because registration burdens a defendant as a result of a qualifying conviction. Pinedo was convicted of two felonies. At sentencing, he was ordered to register as a narcotics offender. (Former Health & Saf. Code, § 11590.) On appeal, Pinedo challenged the registration requirement because AB 1261 repealed the statute requiring registration. The Attorney General argued that registration is not punishment and therefore the change in the law applies only prospectively. Held: Registration requirement reversed. Pinedo’s 2018 misdemeanor conviction of being under the influence of a controlled substance (Health & Saf. Code, § 11550, subdivision (a)) subjected him to the narcotics offender registration requirement under former section 11590. Effective January 1, 2020, AB 1261 repealed former sections 11590 and 11594, and reenacted section 11594 to terminate the registration requirement. Pursuant to Estrada, “newly enacted legislation lessening criminal punishment or reducing criminal liability presumptively applies to all cases not yet final on appeal at the time of the legislation’s effective date.” In the context of constitutional issues such as cruel and unusual punishment or ex post facto laws, courts have concluded that registration requirements are not punishment. Though not strictly punishment, registration requirements are consequences of certain criminal convictions. They may serve a primarily regulatory function, but “they impose a burden, or a sanction, on an offender as a direct result of the offender’s qualifying criminal conviction.” As such, “legislation that either reduces or eliminates that burden clearly constitutes an ameliorative change in the law to which the Estrada presumption applies.”
The full opinion is available on the court’s website here: F078442.PDF
Fred you know its funny about different churches, pastors and even many church goers; While all have sinned guess a pastor has no sins or is their something wrong with that. Sure we strive to do our best to keep out of trouble but a pastor is like a judge but is more fair and understands the biblical understandings a bit more than say a Jobs turkey.
Even those law enforcement people that do these operations are suppose to be counsselors for good… but, but, butt, who is doing the evil. Who is enticing who. Thats when things hit the fan and than comes counseling, sex offender classes,even visit’s from PO’s that suppose to be correction officers and all that jazz. And well prison is no picnic if one should be in that position. Nothing wrong with church if one is free to go to church these days but the registry puts a holt on that why? Never could understand that anthology.
Saddles. What gets me is the church that forced me out, 5 years prior and under the direction of a different pastor, did a skit. It had ppl walk across the stage, stop, and flip over a sign showing their sin. Each time saying would Jesus forgive my sin. One person had sex offender on his sign. Guess they forgot about the skit. It wasn’t directed at only me. I saw two other ppl from my relapse prevention class in that church. That skit freaked me out a little, but also helped . Initially, felt a spotlight was on me. I weathered it, like we all have to. Got no choice. Different leaders, mindsets, can lift or destroy. I take cold waters out to the garbage men, ask old veterans what job they had, stuff like that. I can’t change what the state, church, relatives do. Only how I react and what I do for others. Too old to work out for release. I can always lift others up,help them. As tier 3, I may never be removed. But being productive helps my sanity. My ADHD tends to digress any viewpoint. Thank for feedback.
Please contact your representatives about expending these insane and severely restrictive laws.
Sign my portion to change Megan’s Law and make it better for offenders make it so nobody has to get life on parole again the link is here
Got a call yesterday from a man claiming to be from the Arap Co Sheriff office stating/asking why I did not show up for the ‘DNA test’ (which they do not do) that was scheduled on the 9th and asked if I got the letter. He said because I did not show up there were TWO outstanding warrants for my arrest on failure to register – heart sank, and was freaking out at that point.
He said – here is the thing that really got me – I cannot disconnect this call until I get to the Sheriff’s office, and he would stay with me on the phone the whole time. If I disconnected the call, they would be sending a unit out to take me into custody – meaning I couldn’t call local PD, my attorney or anyone to verify this story – he got me hard. He then proceeded to tell me that I was not going to be arrested and detained IF I pre-posted bail of $1500. Stupid me fell for that too. He then said because of covid (this made sense when your mind is not thinking clearly) that because of covid, they were not taking any transactions at the station and had to deposit money in to a ‘Go-To’ offenders account at Walmart – yep, he told me to go to a store with cash and put it in an account with a Bar code he texted me. The lady at Walmart actually caught it, but stupid me, thought this was from ‘law enforcement’ so it was not a scam, she said those codes should be generated from my own account, not that someone sends me. I proceeded to do 3 deposits of $500 each = $1500! During this time, I was thinking many things – my local PD has called me more than once to remind me or even ask if I registered – which I did and they did not have it on record (during the major lockdown) which I was able to provide copied and no worries at that time, so thought that was happening here, they were being ‘nice’ which I guess we need to figure if a cop/detective is being ‘nice’ that is likely a red flags – if there is a warrant for your arrest, they are not going to be ‘nice’ about and will be pounding at your door, who knows, even with guns drawn – would not be surprised these days. Anyways, on to my story. As I was traveling to the station, he made sure I gave him my mileage each time I stopped, how many times were we told to do stupid things like this during probation, again, it seemed logical. I tried to ask questions to see if he was real or not, and he had all the answers – THANKS TO THE FKING REGISTRY! That is how he knew everything, full name, address, conviction, etc. When I told him I was at the station, he made a joke, BAD joke and literally had me in tears because I was so scared. I had not had these feelings since I was in the system and failed a poly and put on house arrest because of it (yes, I was put on house arrest for 3 months because I failed a poly – story for another day). I had asked him to come outside to verify he was a real person and he said (again, played on my fear of being arrested), that if he came out, he would have to disconnect the phone and ‘escort me in’. He then told me that he talked to his supervisor and said I needed another $500 for court fees, etc – FINALLY stupid me realized this was wrong and texted my brother and sister to call that sheriffs dept to tell them what was going on – immediately she said I need to hang up (I did and he called back 3 times, blocked the number and then 2 more times from another number) and it was a scam – I asked twice and she verified after I hung up and called her directly. I was still in FREAKING OUT mode and had to be sure so called my local PD as well – they didn’t call me back right away, but I did talk to him later. When I talked to my attorney, he said this was THE most sophisticated scam he had seen, so did the lady at the sheriffs dept.
I did file a report with the detective and there is no way they will catch these assholes, but he said they do work on them especially because this was FELONY THEFT/FRAUD. As I write this, I am still beating myself up for not realizing what was going on. As my attorney put it, the ONE weakness I have – is this FEAR that someday because of the registry, something like this or worse could happen (the guy has my home address, think about that…). I have paid attention to all the other scams, diligent about following all the rules, and not wanting to screw anything up, and yet, here I am, out $1500 and a victim of a felony crime – only because I am on the SO Registry. I will be reaching out to one of my old therapists (the only one I would trust to talk to) and let him know I went thru this experience. – side note to this, that therapist believes I have had/have PTSD from ‘therapy’ and situations like this – PTSD!!! Because of all the ‘therapy’ I had over 11 years, I actually need therapy to manage it!
I will also be documenting it for the hopefully time I am able to go in front of a judge and give them this story among all the other hundreds out there why the registry causes much more harm that good.
My advice is have a conversation with an attorney you trust about what law enforcement can and cannot do, then talk to law enforcement about the same thing. USE this story and tell them what happened to me, someone on the registry, ask them what you should do if something like this happens to you. I know I am not the first, and will not be the last, but I am hoping my story can make that one less or more that does not go thru this painful experience.
When I was ‘in the system’ I never wanted anyone to feel sorry for me because I made some pretty bad mistakes and thought this was my punishment that I deserved. Well I did my time, I PAID the very steep price and sadly, as of yesterday reminded that I will continue to pay that price, possible for the rest of my life (I have no faith the registry will ever go away) only if I move out of the country, will I ever be truly free again.
What became of the Halloween ordinance it was under litigation in Rialto California
Well, this is strange in a couple different ways🤔:
pa cop who coerced women into performing sex acts cant be forced to register as a sex offender us court says
All these comments on this general comment section can have meaning. I am glad their are people that understand this confusion today. To make this long confusion short who wants tongue? Now why did I say that? Well the tongue which is a small member of the human body and yes the bible says no man can tame the tongue. Now that right their presents confusion.
Sure we were all caught up in all this registry one way or another but man’s ways never see the light or the understand. Law enforcement, Government are all subject to this confusion. I’m not saying people are stupid on here or have a PHD in watching “The paper chase” movie all I am saying as truth matters or does lying and deception have two different meanings.
i don’t know where to start I m off the register and still feel like I’m still on it” hangover maybe, any who I want to install a sliding door in kitchen I had two calls but nobody showed up for bid I’m actually a appliance repair tech , I was wandering if there is anyone out there skilled cant work because of the registry maybe you can start with me and possible forming a construction company and helping registrants get jobs with this company even if you are on probations that could be helpful I’m sure there would be challenge’s we could plow through them, look at all the bright people on the registry we can get advise from so if there anyone out there interested or know of another way to contact remember I’m off as of august 2021 so i can do things other might not
Bruce W. What state are you in?
Bruce W. My body’s wore out for the everyday field work. As a repairman, you should already have the people skills. Could direct you on : the business start up; navigate whether you want employees or sub contractors; proven marketing tips; basic record keeping that will make your accountant smile. And of course, you absolutely need to get a builders license. (Requiring a prep course). I can also help with examples of proposals, change orders, payment schedules, and material selection forms.
Bruce W. That may have sounded like a pitch, but I’ll pass it along free for the cause. Probably the best way I can help.
Ex San Bernardino county sheriffs deputy arrested for alleged child sex abuse
I have a quick question regarding the new tier 2 level designation. I remember reading something a long time ago, that tier two registrants would be able to get exclusion from Megans Law website after registering for 10 years.
Is this true? I may be misremembering this info, or perhaps this used to be in an earlier draft of the new legislation and was removed. I can’t find any info on it.
There should be a list for politicians who have accepted bribes. On that list, politicians who have watched movies about politicians accepting bribes. The politic offender list should have rules that the politicians can not live in areas where bribes take place. They should stay in doors when elections are being held. And they should be charged with a felony if: they view on-line; at home on TV; or anywhere; any political debates, election results, or contracts are issued to anyone for any reason. Feedback please.