Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Sept 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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General Comments Mar 2025
Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
‘The damage’ is ‘immense’: Attorneys for man accused by Mace demand evidence — or an apology
Source: 2/28/25 Attorneys for one of the men accused by U.S. Rep. Nancy Mace of... -
Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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While crying about Gabby Petito and remembering about George Floyd and the PTSD that I suffered when I saw George’s murder, it occurred to me that if 50% of all cops were locked up in prison, I think there would be a 50% decline in all crimes, including a 50% reduction in sex crimes.
I truly believe that dirty cops commit more crimes than all other criminals put together. They plant evidence, they murder people, they rape people, they lie on the witness stand to convict innocent people. They disobey traffic laws without any emergency, they believe they are immune from being charged for any of their crimes. There may be some good cops, but they will not stay good cops when they have to work with dirty cops every day.
It is insane that our country has spent billions of dollars on the hate crimes of enforcing inhuman sex offense laws for the last few decades and yet those laws have in those decades not saved even one Gabby Petito.
I was just issued a pre adverse action letter from safeway. They say they sent the letter because of my inclusion on the sex offender registry. The problem is the conviction is over 7 years old. How can they legally disclose the fact that I’m on the registry to safeway? If they can’t how much can I sue them for? Apparently this is happening, to everybody on the registry too as referenced, here. . I really need your help Janice.
I went to my yearly registration appointment this week and was told that they didn’t have my tier designation letter as it was still to be determined. I plead to a misdemeanor that is not listed in in 290, and have to register due to the plea agreement.
I thought all misdemeanors were automatically tier 1? I also heard that there are changes with regard to who is added to the ML website next year. How are “to be determined” going to be handled with those changes? I’ve never been on the site and don’t want to have to start now.
The lawmakers tell us to trust the science for the vaccine, so why don’t THEY trust the science when it comes to the registry?
In three months people who got moved to Tier 3 will have their full address disclosed on the registry.
Haveing your exact address posted on Megan’s law website is extremely dangerous, I put cameras all over my home, I even installed cameras in my truck just in case some vigilantes decide to spray paint or vandalize it, also i record every interaction I have when pulled over by law enforcement.
I never noticed that Tier 1 offenders weren’t listed on Megan’s law website anymore, I remember back in The day they were zip code only, and Tier 2-3 were were full address.
Tier 1-2 ofenders are lucky, not having your full address posted on Megan’s law website is a major game changer, because people in your community don’t know exactly where you live and long as you lay low and don’t cause any unwanted attention to yourself no one would even know your a sex offender.
I hate getting off work everyday and having to prepare myself for whatever comes my way knowing I could be sent to prison just for defending myself.
I’ll probably move at the beginning of the year so my full address isn’t blasted all over the internet anymore.
Good luck
Anyone one here if know Janice won the lawsuit in Rialto California about the Halloween restrictions? We are getting close to all the crap again.
Received postcard in mail today to complete a federal juror questionnaire. Not sure if this pertains to all federal districts or just the one where I live in north Texas, but even if one has no conviction but one was sentenced, if the maximum possible punishment is > 1 yr no matter of the actual punishment, one is not eligible to serve as a federal juror.
The sentence for my 2004 state charge where I attempted to commit an offense was 10 years deferred adjudication and the judge dismissed my charge after completion of the sentence so I have no conviction on my record. The maximum possible punishment was 10 years in state prison.
After completion of my sentence I have since been called and showed up for a state jury (in the state of my original charge). During my deferred adjudication I was able to vote and also ran for public office when asked to do so by the local business community as state law did not prohibit.
“Trial by jury is a cornerstone of our democracy” per a statement on the postcard.
Apparently for the remainder of my life after my 2004 charge the federal government has deemed me not worthy as being part of the democracy and the democratic process. Though I am not suprised.
This is not really a comment more of a question i noticed that when you get to read the original articles, they have done away with the comments section is that intentional?
Theres no sanctuary for people forced to register, everytime I see homeless people who don’t suffer from mental illness living on the streets or in their cars, I emditly think this guy must be a sex offender.
A couple years ago this homeless black guy kept brakeing in and sleeping in this little Laundry room in our apartment building after being removed and told to leave almost every day the owners of the building decided to install cameras to captured him brakeing in and sleeping in the laundry room every night.
Eventually they ended arresting him for trespassing, breaking an entry and last but not least FTR poor homeless guy was just trying to stay warm at night and got sent to prison.
Good luck
Fed guard asks for leniency from judge for repeated assaults on female inmate in NY: Brooklyn federal jail guard who repeatedly raped inmate begs for no-prison sentence. Another one in the 95% who can’t be trusted.
Who do you contact if you find major errors on the Static-99R score sheet done by probation about 8 years ago? We or our attorney never received the score that IMO should have been done pre-sentencing. I had to request it to look it over and was shocked to find three mistakes.
“Circus Verify”, with three law enforcement units, visits Scranton, PA. Lots of harassment clowns! 🤡 operation dunder mifflin
This will rock the USA if a report similar to this appears here:
Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the Church
Be careful what you search for, no matter how innocuous.
google keyword warrants give US government data on search users
If I spend a few nights a month on my boat in the marina, at one point do I have to have to tell the Gestapo?
I believe I have to tell them of all vehicles/vessels/aircraft/etc I own. When they see the boat’s size, they’ll probably realize it ain’t parked in my driveway and want to know where it is kept. Will they declare this an additional residence and list my marina, dock and slip number on the public registry?
I haven’t made the purchase yet, but getting close and want to keep everything above board, as it were.
While I am sure everyone is aggravated with this registry were to live, who you have to notify, what route’s one takes to get to square one whether coming or going.. than if thats the case law enforcement are playing a devilish game. No one owns another human being. Sure you do your time in jail or probation and that should be it.
Its well past time and its getting to be a mockery of Justice. Is the sex offender a bond slave or do we all have responsibities to make a wrong a right. This whole internet is a bad deal. Is social media getting out of line today with this new generation or were we all born into trouble. Anyone ever heard of aggravated abuse via internet. Oops I’m sorry guess authorities have the right to instill aggravated abuse of a sesual or sex nature to catch a predator.
I stumbled across this very moving podcast this morning. I thought it would go into the absurdity and injustice of high cost prison phone calls, which I did not experience while “away,” but it deals more with the relationship between a daughter and her father while he is incarcerated for a sex offense.
the true cost of prison phone calls
Sorry, just gotta vent….. I have Google News searches for “SORNA”, “Megan’s Law”, “sex offender”, etc. – trying to stay alert to any notable changes, news, legislation, etc. And, day after day, the great majority of stories are about Registrants going back to prison FOR Y-E-A-R-S for FTR offenses. It is soooo frustrating to me b/c NO ONE ELSE who has been convicted of any other crime has this eternal back-to-prison sword hanging over their head!! How is this SH#T legal?? How is this endless probation/parole/community supervision/registry oppression & punishment legal?? 😡
Furthermore, many of the requirements are so convoluted that it’s hard to know what, when, where, how things are required. But it’s expected that we are to comply with all requirements in a timely manner….. or GO TO PRISON!!
Honestly, it’s intolerable. 😒
If I fail to register my vehicle, I’ll get a fine. If I fail to renew my dog’s license, again – I might get a fine.
Why if I fail to provide a new car VIN number or description of a new tattoo, would I be at risk of going to prison??? For a civil requirement!!??
Pedophile Nazis on the Loose!
Gives new meaning to the title The Boys from Brazil.
I am taking deferred adjudication for indecency with a child by exposure in Texas. 2 more years to complete my probation and my conviction will set be set aside. Do I still have to apply for that IML stamp on my passport? technically I am not convicted. but I still have to be on the registry for 10 years after probation. I am eligible to deregister. in the mean time I wonder how IML plays with those who are on the registry that dont involve children?
I love Fridays because that is a day when I can really start to live life completely ensuring that the Oppression Lists (OLs) are very counterproductive. I am around random children and families just about every weekend and no one ever has any clue that I am one of the Unwashed listed on the OLs. I really have to thank the OLs for making me so social. The OLs have led to me living a life around children a lot more than I ever would have, I think. I have a lot of my own children but I’m around a lot of others more because of the OLs.
But not only will I ensure that the OLs are counterproductive, I’ll ensure that they cause actions that end up harming a lot of people. No one seems to have any interest in ending the war. America can continue to be at war with itself. Other countries love it.
California is the 1st state to ban ‘stealthing,’ nonconsensual condom removal
Unbelievable. 🙄 A Sex Offender’s FTR get top billing over an all around bad dude wanted in connection with a murderer. 😒
Really?? FTR beats homicide?? 🙄
Texas 10 most wanted list adds Lubbock sex offender
I’m sure many have came to the conclusion of much of this registry. Its not the kids you have to worry about… its the adults? Sure everyone is different, circumstances can be different… much of this internet or social media is garbage or who wants to be in the “Yahoo” fan club… guess they weren’t happy with the mickey mouse fan club…..
So has this generation came from good to worse…. I’ll let you all explain that. From being a Juke box hero to a strung out junkie and now an assumed predator or on the registry classification. Being ordained doesn’t give one the right to judge? Privacity is still privacity…. learn to love not to judge..
Every California registrant’s favorite Assemblywoman getting dragged in the media for encouraging Tesla to leave the state (with its jobs and tax revenue).
What encouraged Elon Musk to move Tesla HQ to Texas