General Comments Feb 2022

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I keep seeing people refer to themselves as a “sex offender” or “SO”. Seems bad. If you keep calling yourself “sex offender” then that is what people are going to see and help you label yourself. It is a very popular, PC belief that there is a large group of people in Amerika who are “sex offenders” and all of those people are lucky that they are not in prison. They need to be following the “terms” of their release, including any new “terms” that any government adds. We really need extra, special laws just for this special group of unique rejects.

I’m not part of that group. I’m not going to accept a big government label. I’m just a person whose family is being harassed. I’m going to treat the “people” doing it as the criminal terrorists that they are.

The Hit Lists aren’t going to be destroyed in courts or legislatures. They have to be destroyed in the minds of the vast majority of people who live in Amerika who are objectively dumb, only marginally interested in facts, and uninterested in being educated. That is the people who have to be retrained and molded. Memes, slogans, labels, pictures, etc. are the answer. Not including “sex offender”.

Wow. How long until someone gets charged in the real world for something that happened in the fake virtual world?

1 February 1790 – In the Royal Exchange Building on New York City’s Broad Street, the Supreme Court of the United States meets for the first time, with Chief Justice John Jay of New York presiding.The U.S. Supreme Court was established by Article Three of the U.S. Constitution, which took effect in March 1789. The Constitution granted the Supreme Court ultimate jurisdiction over all laws, especially those in which constitutionality was at issue. The court was also designated to rule on cases concerning treaties of the United States, foreign diplomats, admiralty practice, and maritime jurisdiction. In September 1789, the Judiciary Act was passed, implementing Article Three by providing for six justices who would serve on the court for life.

The same day, President George Washington appointed John Jay to preside as chief justice, and John Rutledge of South Carolina, William Cushing of Massachusetts, John Blair of Virginia, Robert Harrison of Maryland, and James Wilson of Pennsylvania to serve as associate justices. Two days later, all six appointments were confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The Supreme Court later grew into arguably the most powerful judicial body in the world in terms of its central place in the U.S. political order. In times of constitutional crisis, for better or worse, it always played a definitive role in resolving the great issues of the time.

And that’s the rest of the story…Good day!

Everyone, search “The Outspoken Offender” on YouTube. He’s also a PFR. Very insightful channel.

It appears our friend the self righteous and self appointed persecutor of those disgusting people that engage in lewd behavior, state senator Lauren Book, had recorded some personal porn pictures of herself and they have apparently been hacked. Well, she is in a tizzy over it like never before. She is trying to pass legislation to stop the dissemination of images on the internet or something of the sort. Unfortunately it will probably just mean more restrictions for people on the registry in FL. But we all suspected this family had skeletons in the closet and that is why they are so vehemently attacking and persecuting people on the registry. I think her personal stash of her own porn pics is probably just the tip of the ice berg of what this noble and dignified state representative is up to. Hey dear, in this day and age, if you don’t want nude images of yourself scattered on the internet don’t take them, and for goodness sake, don’t have them on your computer or phone.

I’ve been doing some thinking about the Halloween restrictions many face in various jurisdictions. I’ve read about having to keep inside one’s residence, about not being allowed to operated personal property (i.e. house/security lighting), about having to report to the Sheriff’s Department for the evening, etc. Often, it seems we all say that if no longer being supervised (“being “off paper”) these are illegal acts but if still under supervision, it’s A-OK because probation can do whatever it wishes. To that, I throw a large red BS flag.

An convicted person’s requirements are detailed within the sentencing order from court. Other than some routine administrative tasks and powers, probation has no authority to make one’s sentence more severe. Only the courts can do that.

With that in mind, here are my layman’s thoughts about these various items….

1. How can it be legal to require someone to stay inside his/her residence for an ordered amount of time? That’s house arrest, which is a form of custody and/or punishment. Either way, unless it’s in the court order, probation would be violating the sentencing order and the person’s constitutional rights.

2. How can it be legal to seize control of private property (preventing use of outdoor lighting)? A law that prevents use of private property on or in one’s residence certainly rises to being an illegal seizure. Heck, it may even violate the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment because one’s private property (the outdoor light) has been taken from the resident’s control for public use (indicating the Government’s wishes to others).

Even if someone is on probation, how would a probation officer be able to order one not to use personal property without a warrant, probable cause, or reasonable suspicion? Once again, the sentencing order is the legally binding document…on both the citizen on probation AND the probation officer.

3. How can any citizen, even those on probation, be rounded up and held at the Sheriff’s department, without any sort of reason? Again, one is being detained without reasonable suspicion (though I’m sure the LEOs would say one’s PFR status is sufficient), let alone probable cause. Regardless, LE is not allowed to detain individuals interminably based on an unfounded expectation (read: misguided hunch) that the individual(s) may commit a crime of some sort.

Once again, even those on probation have rights regarding being detained. If it’s not in a court order, probation officers cannot create it out of thin air. If they can, then where is that line drawn? Can they then exceed the sentencing order and require a person on probation to report to the Sheriff’s Department every night to sleep? How about every other night? How about only on weekends? How about only on Sundays? We all see these clearly as being in custody. The only difference between the Halloween round-up and these other examples is the duration. Regardless the duration, all are being in custody. Given probation is a non-custodial sentence, these actions cannot be legal and deserve to be challenged and struck.

Thoughts? Comments? I’d love to hear a counter-point to what I’ve written. I’m curious what holes there are in my arguments. I know everyone withers when on probation because it’s easier just to “go along to get along,” but at what point does one fight back for one’s rights? Like anything else that doesn’t get exercised (such as my physique), rights get weakened and softened.

One month into the new year and it looks like the addresses of tier 2 are still showing up on Megans Law. They were supposed to be removed as of Jan 1st, only zip codes are to be listed. Is there anything we can do?

Let me ask everyone a question. Now many have gone thru all this registry for a very long time and many have their views and comments about this registry. Even when one goes to see their PO I’m sure they don’t want to talk to their PO. Is this registry like some German concentration type camp of justice. Guess they can say “we have ways of making people talk” sounds a bit German to me. So who’s respecting who. Isn’t respect when respect is due the right thing to do, or do others set others up and than expect respect? Silence is golden and I’m sure many don’t even want to talk to their Parole or probation officer. How do many of you all handle this.

Of course I’m sure Will Allen can tell us how he handles it but their is a time to speak up and a time to just keep silent. At times one’s tongue can get one into a lot of trouble.

The major problem with militant “child safety advocates” (not gonna name names, but you know the major players) is that they’re only able to see the world through the lens of their OWN victimization – but not others. The are capitalizing on the socially acceptable discrimination that the registry allows society.

Ok so it’s done. Had a friend check for me and I am on the website, full name, picture, address, etc. After 7 years of never being on.

288.2(A)(1) felony in 2015, was never on the website, have reduction and dismissal, was assigned Tier 3.

Had been living with this just fine but being put on the site changes the game. Who do I sue?

Will try and call Chance today.

Hello! I’m about halfway through a 10 year stint on the registry. Travel is the biggest headache, because what I don’t want to do is create a legal mess of states I visited while on the registry and create overhanging legal requirements. My gf wants me to go to a wedding in California, it is an all must register state, but was hoping somebody has a little insight.

Don’t stop what you are doing. Your gut and intuition are pulling you one way. What people think of you and people’s opinions are pulling you another way. Break free. Be brave. Follow your heart. You are a chosen one. Don’t listen to the ones with enslaved minds.

Not sure if anyone else has experienced this but my husband was just asked to re-register at the community college he has attended since 2020 and fill out a new form (CJIS 8040C) that requires him to declare enrollment in online courses he is taking. This form is also requiring him to submit the form again (within 5 days) when he “ceas[es] enrollment in online course(s).” Meaning he will now have to submit forms when registering for and completing classes each semester. Is this due to the new SORNA requirements in California?

“When you make peace with the authority, you become the authority.” James Douglas Morrison.

To anyone that has petitioned:
How long did you wait just to get the stamped copy from the court so you can serve it to DA and PD?
It’s been a month and the court has not mailed it back. Does the court also have 60 days to decide?

Is there anyone here that might be able to help me apply for a certificate of rehabilitation from California? If you need to charge for the service, that’s fine. Just let me know and we can arrange some kind of communication for the details. Thanks

Regarding visiting Cali for a wedding, it was suggested you call the city police department to be certain of the time you are allowed to visit before having to register, don’t accept the first persons opinion. Ask a second person to be certain. I have to visit my former state of false conviction and have gotten different answers several times. It’s best to read the posted law. It might only be three days. Whatever you do, don’t put the hotel in your name. Use your wife or a friend. Some hotels actually do a background check on their guests and then must report them. NO JOKE.

Just wondering and looking for updates; Has anyone that was / is designated as TBD, (to-be-determined) on your registration since January 1, 2021, been notified of reclassification of your designation to Tier 1, 2, or 3? At the advice of several attorneys, I do periodically check with my local registration agency, County Sheriff, even though they get upset that I do check for updates. I am still listed as TBD by DOJ. I guess they either don’t care, forgot about us, don’t know what they are doing or all of the above. Also, do we have any updates on Petition for removals being granted, especially from County DA’s that want to fight all the way against any removal? Thanks

I’m a registrant. My employment was terminated from a company about 3 months ago because I failed to pass their background check. Last week I ran into one of the employees that still works there and he told me that HR told him I was a child molestor (not true, my ex-wife is my alleged victim and she is 3 months older than me). He then told me that because of this, he was going to kill me. I have a beautiful family including a two year old daughter. I would like to go after the company for telling this man this. I see those people all the time and I would prefer not to have myself or family hurt because of their lying statements. Know any good legal eagles? I’m in sunny Palm Springs, CA and need help. Any suggestions I will try.

Found this in the weeds of Michigan politics, trying it copy Florida.

Senate Joint Resolution J: Place government officials’ ‘best interests of the child’ considerations ahead of parental rights
Introduced by Sen. Curtis Hertel, Jr. (D), to place before voters in the next general election a constitutional amendment establishing that public officials’ assessment of a child’s “best interests” are “paramount to the rights of a parent and all other factors in determining whether parental rights should be terminated” in child custody proceedings, juvenile justice cases, or cases of child abuse and neglect. Referred to committee, no further action at this time.

I think they are trying to take away parental rights.

Here’s an interesting new charge: not FTR, but RTR (Refused To Register)

Former Chesterfield officer turned sex offender, is now back in jail under new charge of RTR

Last edited 3 years ago by David ⚜️
Last edited 3 years ago by TS

See the link …police-officer-investigated-charges-of-raping

I found this link under an article titled “Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, U.S. Marshals Service, & TBI team up for Operation Rock & Roll targeting sex offenders”

Maybe the SO LE task force should focus on themselves.


If any offender wonders about facial recognition, it’s already here and your facial features are likely already logged. Over at the Washington Post there are a couple of insightful articles on the topic. The good news is regular folks are alarmed as well. The two prices are titled: IRS abandons facial recognition plan after firestorm of criticism., Huge Government agencies clash over facial recognition.

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