Civil rights organization says it’s unconstitutional to label people for life without individual review
DETROIT – Today the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan (ACLU), on behalf of 10 people who all previously won federal court rulings that Michigan’s Sex Offenders Registration Act (SORA) is unconstitutional, filed a federal class action lawsuit against state officials over the latest version of the law. It is the fourth federal lawsuit the civil rights organization has filed challenging SORA in the past decade. The federal courts and the Michigan Supreme Court have repeatedly ruled that the earlier iteration of SORA was unconstitutional.
Today’s lawsuit, Does v. Whitmer, or Does III, filed in U.S. District Court, argues that the new SORA statute, which went into effect in 2021, is also unconstitutional. Specifically, SORA fails to provide for individual review or an opportunity for removal, forcing tens of thousands of people, including people who didn’t even commit a sex offense, to be branded as sex offenders and subjected to extensive, and in most cases life-long restrictions, without any consideration of their individual circumstances, which is a violation of their due process and equal protection rights. The 193-page complaint also argues that SORA imposes unconstitutional retroactive punishment, including by retroactively extending the registration terms of thousands of people to life.
Michigan has one of the largest registries in the country; there are approximately 45,000 Michigan registrants, and almost 10,000 more who live out of state.
“For nearly a decade, we have been fighting to put an end to an ineffective, bloated and unconstitutional registry that not only fails to protect survivors, but in fact makes families and communities less safe,” said Miriam Aukerman, ACLU of Michigan senior staff attorney. “The latest version of SORA is more of the same, and still puts tens of thousands of people on this list automatically without any consideration of their individual circumstances. What we’re asking for is very simple: consider the facts in each case before someone is tarred as a sex offender for life. Dying shouldn’t be the only way a person can get off the registry.”
Does anyone know if the State has responded yet on what is supposed to be filed by tomorrow ?If so could you post it on here I would like to read it,Thanks
Here you go:
Jan 23, 2025
Main Doc
Response to Motion
now we wait on the judge.
Could someone post the response so we can read it. Thank You ! Looking forward to the Judges Ruling.
I think it’s just time to stop hoping. I’ve been on since 2005. Was told before I plead guilty that I’d get no jail, and would be able to position to be removed from the registry.. next thing i know, they put me in tier 3 and I’m on for life. My 19 year old (oldest) daughter has distanced herself due to me being on the online embarrassment list, and I haven’t seen her in 5 years, her mom never doing anything but feed into the fear of getting picked on and or affecting her social life. I was a great father to my daughter, and my case happened before she was even born, yet as soon as she was told by her mom and new step father that it’s better to avoid me and avoid the embarrassment of me being on the list, that was the end of my relationship.
All I think about is missing my daughter. Im done hoping the state of Michigan and the courts are going to do anything. I’m educated, have a degree in social work/human services, but every time I get a job, somebody contacts my employer, usually via email with a link to the registry to out me. I can’t even help opioid addicts without somebody wrecking my employment. Nobody wants to help those folks and are even happy to take away their opportunity to get help by me because of a mistake made over 20 years ago. What kind of twisted world do we live in?
If it weren’t for my wife and other kids, I would have blown my head off by now. I just don’t want to embarrass them further..
I’m done.
Same but different;
Docket last updated: 11 hours agoThursday, January 23, 2025168
41 pgs respmResponse to Motion Thu 01/23 1:34 PM
28 pgs Exhibit Ex A – Defendant’s Draft Proposed Judgment
RESPONSE to167 MOTION for Judgment Defendant’s Response to Motion for Entry of Judgment filed by Gretchen Whitmer, James Grady. (Jamison, Eric)Att: 1
Wish aclu can ask for a stipulation of ruling. If the state does not abide by all final judgement constitutional rulings, from betts, Lyman, and current Does 3 case they should have suffer monetary punishment, such as 300 dollars per day per registrant until they become compliant with law. 2nd why is it we break a law some way shape or form we go behind a freezing metal door. States or county’s breaks laws all time all they get is arguing in court then about their business?
Can someone please explain to me why in the name of hell can’t there be an injunction??? Why can’t these unconstitutional laws be enjoined until all of this legal back-and-forth is settled???
Janice seems to always get injunctions in her cases. She did so with the Missouri Halloween case. She (and the PLF) did so with the recent federal case against the new AWA regulations. I think I wish Janice was in the driver’s seat with THIS case. GEEEZ, ALREADY!!!!!
I was wondering if people left the State are they Part of the Lawsuit as well or are they now required to follow the State that they moved to registry laws?
Ok so we all know the 98 registry was unconstitutional, then it only had 1 or 2 changes and was re presented, yet again was unconstitutional. Also didn’t fix what the previous lawsuit had deemed unconstitutional. Then, the 2011 registry was challenged it again was deemed unconstitutional. The state was told to correct all the unconstitutional parts of the registry. States and people congregated for almost a year and developed a plan make it constitutional. However all they did was tweak 1 or 2 things again. The registry was sued again in 2021 and deemed again unconstitutional and was told they had correct it with 90 days or risk it being abolished. They implemented the tier status and removed 1000 feet from school zone ruling that’s it. Now it’s under fire again in 2022 I think when this case started or 23 cant remember that date. Anyway, pattern has shown they will not make it fully constitutional so long as it interferes with states hidden agenda. I think the state needs 2 options. 1: make it completely constitutional, and have it reviewed by team lawyers for constitutionality. If any discrepancy’s needs be fixed and registrants get temporary relief. If after 30 days they can’t make it fully constitutional it needs get abolished. Option 2: remove registry all together and reinstate full American rights to citizens of America on registry.
My other question is, if tier 1 aren’t supposed be on public registry, why is it I, a tier 1 can find myself on it in less than 5 minutes? Isn’t that violation of the law?
The Dobbs Wire: Remembering Thomas Pauli in January—the month he died (FAC, 24 Jan 2025)
For those in MI, they’ll hopefully remember this and keep fighting.
Aclu and the state of michigan making a ton of money on this bs registry what a waste of time just sue these fuks since we haft to stay on it i could use the money it’s bad enough i was convicted of something i never did i was a innocent man victim to this bull shit sytem fuk michigan bunchbof corrupt politician and judges and cops go to he’ll
I would’ve made a judgement sooner then the judge knowing that’s people’s rights are being violated.
Anxiously waiting,If anyone has the Judges decision would you post it so everyone can read it, would appreciate it,Thank you
Notice to Appear Remotely 2-26-2025 @ 3:00pm
This might be a dumb question. Does attorneys in court fighting on our behalf also read these comments in here and potentially integrate arguements that are relevant to the case?
Here’s the next one;
Feb 26, 2025
Main Doc
Docket last updated: 7 hours agoWednesday, February 26, 2025170
2 pgs notice Appearance Wed 02/26 10:51 AM
NOTICE of Appearance by Joan Campau on behalf of William Araiza, Eric Janus, Sandra Mayson. (Campau, Joan)
Tim our ACLU sor specialist said no questions period.
Aclu just sent me a share point amicus brief on a parallel case about Michigan sor in Microsoft,
wtf I don’t have Microsoft, and no way to get it….
Will someone give a synopsis ?
( 75 pages )
thank you!
@Bobby S.
did you get the same email from Tim ?
any luck finding it?