General Comments July 2022

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Because, y’know, Registries work, right? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Batavia considers a registry.


Last edited 1 year ago by David 🔱

Since Tim n WI has constantly said its all about computers well computers are only a man made medium. If you guys want to google some issues than google this…. When government goes amiss…. Does the bible say respect when respect is due and when Government against God or Government parlay in sex offender issues. Sure all want Justice and equal justice for all. And be sure to look up the principles their of.

For ACSOL, although I doubt any attention will be given to this.

Has any thought been given in proposing a standardized, centralized statewide registration system that has each jurisdiction operating as basically a kiosk?
Have all registrants on one central database, which it really already is. Registration notices can be automatically triggered by conviction records and electronically or snail mailed to everyone based on their requirements, with transients being the possible exception since harder to communicate with. The registration being on an online form that’s downloadable and printable can be electronically initialed and signed. Then all we need to do is go into local office, turn over paper or simply have them confirm and file it from the central database, then a photo and out we go.
This would insure that the registrant gets ample time to avoid FTRs, the local P.D.s don’t need to put near as much manpower towards administrative time, and the state will likely reduce what they deem “registrant related offenses”, making an otherwise worthless, archaic system at least seem more efficient.
If the DMV can do this with vehicle registration and DLs for 10s of millions ( and they are definitely NOT the model of efficiency) then why can’t they do this for 100,000 people.

I received my jury duty and shockingly it specifies if you are a registrant. I just can’t believe that has been implemented. Well like always I do not qualify, no matter how old my case is.


😃 A surprising and rare outcome!!:

Megan’s Law offender released after third failure to register

And he gave the judge something to think about! 👍🏻👏🏻

Here is a letter I hold in my hand. It is from 2018. It says …..Thank you for your thoughtful suggestions on how to address important issues facing our Nation. I am honored to work on behalf of all Americans to grow our economy, protect our citizens, and strengthen American leadership around the world.

When America is united, there is no challenge too great. Together we will prosper and we will get the job done. Thank you again for your suggestion. … Sincerely   Donald Trump and yes it has a white house seal on it. So I’ am sure President Biden will listen and yes governments will listen as well to help in these important issues….. Isn’t that what government is all about ….to work with people and not be self overcomers.

Just did my Registration for this year and got my new tier and it’s now tier 1
I had the Sheriff’s office update it. I was so worried about it for the last year since I got my 17b reduction. So, I can apply for relief in 2028. I have so much to look forward to then.

Last conviction in Salem Witch Trials was cleared 329 years later. Maybe the witch hunt against us can be cleared 329 years from now!