MA: Boston doctor arrested in child sex trafficking sting, told officer he wasn’t ‘in mood’ to get caught: report

Source: 11/4/22

A Boston doctor who unknowingly told an undercover officer he was “just not in the mood to get arrested today” has been detained in a federal child sex trafficking sting, a report says. 

Sadeq ____, an anesthesiologist at Tufts Medical Center, is now facing a charge of attempted sex trafficking of a child after allegedly agreeing to pay $250 to have sex with an imaginary underage girl, according to WFXT. 

“When we learned today of the disturbing allegations made against Dr. ____, we immediately suspended his medical staff privileges, and he has been placed on leave while we await further information from law enforcement,” the Boston hospital said in a statement. 

The alleged events that led up to ____’s arrest began when he responded to an online ad showing what appeared to be two 18-year-old females that described them as “beautiful flowers” who were “Travelin’ thru town on a lil roadtrip!” WFXT reported, citing court documents. 

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I just would’ve said “Nobody is” and laughed if I was the arresting officer.

I just have one word for this: ENTRAPMENT.

So like usual, the ad was for 18 year old legal females. Then like usual they turn around and say we’re underage, and this time they said they were 12 and 14. And then this quote,. “Both parties reportedly asked each other if they were police officers before Quraishi ultimately agreed to pay $250 for a sexual encounter with one of the girls in the ad, WFXT reported, citing an officer from ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations department”
and of course what did the cops do, they lied! Why can’t the person that’s showing up say hey I lied! This police stings need to stop!

Playing age bait and switch with male hormones involved will entice more regular people than you’d think. These stings are ill-conceived ways of stopping a crime that, I suspect, happens far less in real life than in the cases involving the imaginary victims of these operations.

Another day, another stupid sting. Notable that in this particular case, the man was open to an encounter with a 16 year old and 16 is the age of consent in Massachusetts. Even if this guy is as nefarious as the story implies (given the media’s tendency to exaggerate to make for a more shocking story), the odds of him repeating are pretty slim no matter what the disposition of his criminal case.

Would someone please explain how “She said she was 18” is not a defense to charges like this (Doesn’t matter, you should have known better, asked for ID, etc) but “She said she was 14 ) is all the evidence necessary to convict? Particularly when the supposed 14 year old advertised herself as 18 in the ad that led to the entire thing?

If more victims of these stings went to full trial, maybe they’ll stop (or at least slow down). I couldn’t help but notice that almost all of these stings that go to full trial fail; conviction rates are so high because of taking pleas. It should also be noted that full trial is usually delayed for 2 or 3 years from arrest, probably to induce pleas. Seems to me that invoking speedy trial rights could have a pretty big impact on these stupid cases as well.

Funny that cops don’t mind setting up civilians, but have a melt down when someone sets them up on a bogus call. Seems like justified payback if you ask me.

Idk 🤷‍♂️

How is this not entrapment? He responded to an ad where initially they were supposed to be 18. He said it was off with the “real agent” and tried backing out and then they lured him back in.

Biggest red flag of the thing and what should have made him run when they wrote “I keep it realz” who the hell writes like that?

Honestly any sex with any women, or even being alone with a woman of any age in this state of hysteria, is risky. All that is required for conviction is an allegation.