Action Alert for Washington Residents: Write Today to Support Youth Offenders Bill ESHB1394

Source: Washington Voices

Washington residents, this is our last chance support bill ESHB1394, which regards Sexual offenses by youth! It will be heard 3/30/23 at 12:30 PM Pacific in the Senate Hearing Rm 4 and Virtual, so we must write before then.

Please click here to write your message today on the Washington State Legislature website feedback form!

Every bill that becomes law has between 2 to 4 opportunities for the public to weigh in on whether they like the bill or not.  If you have taken the time to SIGN IN PRO for HB1394 in the past, THANK YOU!


We ask for your support ONE LAST TIME.

If you have not “Signed in Pro” before, this is your last chance!

The bill took several amendments and is now called ESHB1394, which we still vigorously support.  This bill has ONE LAST Public Hearing on Thursday in the Senate Ways & Means Committee.  The ANTI campaign worked very hard to try and stop this bill in the Human Services committee.  We can’t let them win… We need to help make sure that this bill passes and becomes law!

Please consider asking your friends and family to support this bill by forwarding them  a link to this page and asking them to PLEASE TAKE ACTION by commenting.

We have worked to simplify the process needed… simply click on the link below and follow the instructions to SIGN IN PRO in order to help us PASS THIS BILL!

Click here to start writing your comment

Wishing you the #BestLife,

Washington Voices

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It would be helpful if there was a summary of the bill so we know what we’re signing.

Hey there,
I was trying to locate the substance of what this WA State Bill HB1394 is but unable to find that infor?
I would like to support it but I also would like to know what it is about
Phil Carberry

Thank you for providing the link. Here is the message after submitting the form; “Committee Sign In – Remote Testimony RegistrationThank you for your submission. Your information will be included in the legislative record for bill and meeting archival purposes.”

According to the bill HB1394, there are proposed limits on when a juvenile is required to register in the sex offender registry based on committing a sex offense. The bill proposes reducing the time period for which a person adjudicated in juvenile court must register as a sex offender to two years, with the possibility of a prosecutor requesting an extension for up to an additional two years. The bill also suggests reducing the classification of failing to register as a sex offender to a gross misdemeanor for individuals who are required to register based on the commission of a juvenile sex offense. The full text with links are here.

A summary of the bill is here.

Last edited 1 year ago by Biol57