TX: Sex offender in Fort Bend County gets 60-year sentence for refusing to register

Source: cw39.com 7/14/23

RICHMOND, Texas (KIAH) — In June of 2020, now-53-year-old Brian _____ told police in Missouri City that the laws of Texas didn’t apply to him.

Officers had just discovered that the convicted sex offender had been living in that community for years without registering as is required by state law.

Shortly after, _____ fled the state, but U.S. Marshals eventually tracked him down in Arizona.

On June 30, A Fort Bend County jury convicted him on two charges of Failure to Comply with Sex Offender Registration Requirements and sentenced him to 60 years in prison.

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Is there any question as to why registrants avoid visiting registrant-hating states like Texas, Florida, Nevada, etc?

Absolute effing lunacy!!!!!

Do PFRs avoid visiting the garbage states? I don’t. They are just never told that I am there and they have no idea. All legally, of course.

Frankly, if these criminal regimes (all of them, and not just the garbage states) ACTUALLY cared about “protecting children” or “public safety”, then they would fix their dumbf*ck Registries so that they are easy to keep accurate and are not offensive and radicalizing. But they don’t really care about that, of course. The Registries are for harassment and to help keep Amerika’s carceral businesses paid and growing. That is the main reason they exist.

If Floriduh and the rest were moral, they’d make people want to update their location when they are visiting. They’d make it easy. It wouldn’t take any time. There wouldn’t be any repercussions, etc. But nope, that would be too easy. So people don’t do it. And the criminal regimes love that too. They love messing with all of it. Harassing families is just so much easier than actually trying to prevent or solve crimes.

Why doesn’t the article talk about all the sex crimes the guy committed while not Registered? There must be a lot.

If I were this guy I’d dedicate my life to escaping and retaliating. If it were me, people were not in danger when I was not Registered but they sure as hell would be today. For certain.

But hey, I’m sure all of this has really protected society. Another awesome job by the Hit Lists.

Let me guess 60 years isn’t punishment for a civil regulation according to Texas’ government. Another sentence proving that a registry violation is damn punishment. Nothing civil about 60 years for not telling the government your information. F Texas ( the state not the person who comments under F Texas) and all who support this bs.

I guess he should’ve fled to Germany instead of AZ.
I trust an appeal follows. Any news on that front?

60 years 😳 wtf and it’s supposed to be civil not punishment!! How do they justify 60 YEARS?!!

I have 2 FTR charges one more and I’m going away for life 💀

Well at least this guy wasn’t punished….

Judge: “…the defendant will no longer be a threat to public safety.”
But…”the convicted sex offender had been living in that community for years without … [apparently, without causing problems, running afoul of the law or sexually reoffending.]

🤔 It’s good to know that Registration isn’t punishment. 🤨🙄😒

In June of 2020 he told police Texas laws don’t apply to him, so if he was required to register why wasn’t he and allowed to leave. Years later the cops discovered he wasn’t registered and living in the community. He now has 2 FTRs and 60 years in prison due to incompetence of Texas law enforcement and government officials. In my opinion those involved should be in prison for making a mockery of the government and the registry.

Doesn’t this make the strongest case for the registry being a punitive scheme with no evidence of effectiveness?
How can the state demonstrate that the public was harmed by this man not registering?
SCOTUS time?

Texas you are Dirty! Texas full of power hungry mongers.

This shows the registry is punitive and punishment @ the highest level.

Very well said, “Let me guess 60 years isn’t punishment for a civil regulation” 

This is abuse of power @ the highest level.

No worries if the Courts say this is wrong, We will just rewrite new rules and apply them to the whole Nation. ” F the Courts” Texas you are as bad as Michigan !

This is absolutely ridiculous. He wasn’t a threat, and he wasn’t reoffending. These laws do not protect the public. All they do is waste time and resources.

60 years – really!!!!???? What the “F”!!
I’ve been sitting here trying to figure out what else I would say about this but I just can’t come up with anything that measures to this absurdity of a sentence.

“The sex offender registration requirement was designed to protect the public from sex offenders re-offending

Wow. They really do take pride in a law that simply will NOT make a difference in ONE child’s life.

So far as making someone’s criminal history “more accessible online?” It doesn’t matter if it’s already public record, the context of this information is being abused falsely for public safety propaganda.

Last edited 1 year ago by Facts should matter

A 60 year sentence for something “civil” that isn’t supposed to be punishment makes about as much sense as receiving the death penalty for failure to come to a complete stop at a red light (a civil infraction).

This situation is analogous to speed limit laws which aren’t themselves considered punishment, but a civil public safety measure. However exceeding the speed limit can result in punishment. The conditions of the registry are not punishment, but failing to register can result in punishment.

Please don’t think I agree with registries or the 60-years this guy got. Both are absurd. I was just pointing out the mental/legal gymnastics used to justify registries and penalties for not registering. The problem is that since the 2003 Doe decision legislatures seem to have carte blanche to add virtually any registry conditions without them being considered punishment by the lower courts. Failing to register constitutes a new criminal violation with possible prison time. In my state, this is a fourth degree felony.

A key lesson to learn from Brian’s unfortunate outcome: Never blab to cops about breaking the law in another state. They’ll take that info and try and bury you. Cops are not our friends. If Brian had played dumb and said he didn’t know, he could have saved himself from a life sentence. But the judge and jury probably felt he was arrogant, and needed to be taught a lesson.