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Just the open hatred city council openly displays against registrants.
it’s not punishment it’s banishment.

I understand the need to post this but watching that video makes my blood boil to no end. The vitriol hatred is neverending. Anyways, I digress, this changes nothing, only makes things worse and nothing on the registry hatred train will ever stop.

I agree watching this is very depressing especially for people the government deems to be sexually violent predators, I can only imagine what the registry laws and restrictions will be like 10-15 years from now.
Florida and California are like sister and brother, when it comes to the registry restriction laws, The only difference is California altered theirs for only people on parole or probation

Let me guess these scumbags claim to be compassionate Conservative Christians. There’s nothing compassionate or Christian by banishing people due to a sexual offense in their past. Thanks for proving the registry is PUNISHMENT, Restrictions are BANISHMENT, and…[these] scumbags need to be voted into RETIREMENT!!

You gotta love when that guy says “we can’t just boot these offenders out, nor do we want to.” Then he quickly says “We do”

What a moron!

Last edited 1 year ago by Doc Martin

Let the lawsuit(s) begin! I guess we would have to first establish “standing.” Presumably, that would involve someone notifying the fine City of Creepville that they are planning to move there and being told that they would be arrested for doing so. Before that, there would need to be an analysis of the merits of the case in view of U.S. and Florida Constitutions, case law, etc. AJ!

There are so many dumb, awful creatures who live in Amerika today. They are attracted to government jobs like flies to you know what.

I know a large number of towns in Floriduh but I’d never even heard of the Cesspool of Crestview. I had to look up the area it pollutes. I go past that area a good number of times a year. I’m going to have to make a slight detour and go visit them now. But I don’t want to be spending any money there. Maybe I’ll go in a few restaurants and ask the owners what they think of their local government criminals and their “laws”. Then I’ll either patronize their business or not. That would fun for a while.

I just scanned my calendar and I plan to be there within a couple of months. I wonder if the criminal regime has good facial recognition software, lol.

As much as the mentally challenged council think they can stop new registrants from movimg into the city, they really can’t. The law they passed prevents registrants from living on property within 1500 feet of a “child safety” zone. But outside of those zones, it’s fair game. Nothing prevents an out of towner from joining the rest of the local registrants who live out in the woods.

This reminds me of an Agatha Christie or Alfred Hitchcock movie.

Residents of a town are so paranoid — for no apparent reason — scared that the town’s children are in danger. So they take steps to protect themselves from what they think is the source of the danger. Lock all the doors! Board up all the windows! Banish the obviously dangerous people! But no one can figure out why, despite all the precautions, bad things continue to happen to the town’s children. In this, registered sex offenders are more like McGuffins to the main story — that the real danger, should anyone look closely enough, comes from within and not from outside. That danger is the paranoia itself and it is killing us.

Ryan Bullard is a licensed Social Worker, so I wonder how he would treat clients who get caught in the criminal injustice system and have a sex offense.

Ryan Bullard is a licensed social worker. We need to file a complaint with the state licensing board.