ACSOL Online Meeting December 16, 2023

You are invited to join ACSOL Executive Director and civil rights attorney Janice Bellucci for our next meeting.  The meeting will be held on Saturday December 16, online on Zoom beginning at 10 a.m. Pacific time, 1:00 PM Eastern, and will last at least two hours. You can use the Zoom app or you can call in using a Zoom phone number. There is no registration needed for this meeting. No government officials are allowed to attend the meetings. This meeting will be recorded.  Within a couple of days you can…

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This Rape Victim Wants To End the Sex Offender Registry

Source: 12/2023 issue, Women Against Registry (W.A.R.) “A lot of people on the registry are on there for consensual behavior, things I think many people agree shouldn’t be crimes,” says Meaghan Ybos, the president of Women Against Registry. When Meaghan Ybos was raped in 2003, it was the sort of assault you see more often in cinematic crime fiction than in reality. A stranger, wearing a ski mask, broke into her home, held a knife to her throat, and forced himself on her. Twenty years later, Ybos is president…

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