Domestic Travel 2024

This post is intended as a place for discussions about Domestic Travel ONLY.

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A2TwoZee domestic travel blog
To see the “State & Territorial Visitor Registration Laws Guide” chart, scroll down to that section and click on the “HERE” link.
To see the map of states, click on the “HERE” link to the right of “Summary Map”.

Domestic travel information (Probation Information Network)

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I know it’s been asked but I don’t feel like trying to looking through 100’s of messages. 1.Can we invite women here, from the Philippines or Thailand on a visitation or tourist visa? If not, can one of our parents request the invitation for us? Also how long does it that? What’s the cost on my end on what would need to be paid on her end? Me and my ex PI girl want her to come first.

Welcome to 2024!! Remember for domestic travel to check the state your visiting requirements for registering and always stay under the radar!!! Best wishes to everyone this New Year.
Kindest regards, H

All 50 states has its own DOJ they operate within their states in a very similar way to the DOJ in Washington. The major difference is that state DOJ enforce state law, not federal law, and thats where domestic traveling gets Confusing.
International Megans law is a nationwide database run by the Federal government, so if a person is removed from the federal government’s “sex offender” database, how could another state put you back on it just because you moved into or visited there state.
I would think the state will still hold the burden to prove this person is a threat to society and should have to re-enter into the federal government’s sex offender database, based on their out of state conviction, If the person is no-longer required to register in the state of conviction.

Last edited 1 year ago by AERO1

For information about domestic travel, including charts and a map providing number of days allowed per state and residence or presence restrictions that may apply to both those currently or formerly on the registry, I invite you to visit my travel blog
Also included are state-by-state blog entries describing how I navigated state rules on my most recent visit(s).
When visiting my blog site, be sure to use computer or laptop, not phone or tablet (because only computer or laptop will take you to the main page where the charts and map are located).
Happy travel in the New Year!

I have seen multiple comments indicating former RSOs have to notify other States when traveling domestically.

Is this accurate? If so, can anyone please explain the legal basis.


Has anyone who is NOT on paper, and is required by their home state to notify them of travel, ever had law enforcement come check up on them in their visiting state?

I am interested in taking a cross-country trip via Amtrak. I wonder what the reporting requirements/hurdles may be for taking such a trip. I have taken a couple of shorter trips via Amtrak without any problems but I wonder about longer-duration trips.

Thank you for this Spreadsheet. It’s particularly frightening. My gain from it is that regardless of if one has completed the SORNA requirement and is off the registry in that state, other States demand re-registration when visiting. And? One will never get off the Reg in that state. This is the problem. I cant go to another State to live other than my own State of where I am off the Registry, basically i would have to re-register and who the hell wants to do that.

Former …[PFR] here.

Family wedding is taking place Florida.

the charts I’ve seen indicate even former …[PFRs] need to register if they spend > 3 days in Florida.

has anyone done this? What’s the exact requirement?

one needs to check-in if one stays more than 72 hours?

one needs to check in after spending 2 consecutive nights? 3 consecutive nights? 3 business days?

The wording isn’t very clear. I’m trying not to trigger registration issues.

…Where can we find that Matrix for U.S. continental States with their max limits for Reg? THANKS!

No longer required to register in my State, military conviction, equivalent to 261.5(d) and 286(b)2 (and I guess California could say it equates to 288(a)). Have been off the registry for nearly 8 years. Asked to go to a 3 day conference in California. Will I have to register?

Im sure this has been asked, but what’s the best state to live in? I’m currently in California, and I got off of parole last year, and I’m thinking about a change of scenery, but afraid that laws regarding registrants might be allot harsher in other states, thanks!

I’m considering a quick extended weekend trip to Las Vegas and possibly southern Utah in a few weeks. I’m not required to register in my home state, but my charge of voyeurism would require it I’m pretty sure in Nevada and Utah both.

My plan is to fly to Vegas, spend a night. Drive to southern Utah (Zion NP area), stay a couple of nights. Drive back to Vegas, stay a night or two before flying home.

If I spend less than 48 hours in Vegas, leave the state for a day or two, then spend less than 48 hours again in Vegas, is that ok? Or is the 48 hours cumulative in like a calendar year? Also, a couple of days in Utah shouldn’t require it would it? Obviously not looking to have to register ever since I don’t here at home.

Last edited 1 year ago by sma88

How are registrants to register in a state they are visiting? Is it a form or phone call is it all in person or if it varies how do you know how to register? Thank you.

Hi everyone,

Hoping y’all could shed some light on California for me. I’ve tried to do the research on my own, but it’s confusing and I constantly find conflicting information. I’m planning on visiting my parents in April at their winter home in CA. I would arrive in CA on a Friday night and leave the following Monday at night. So, overall I’d be there 4 calendar days, but chronologically I’d be there about 3. In addition, two of those days are weekends. Does my proposed schedule mean that I would not have a duty to register in CA for my trip? Is this something I should confirm with the local law enforcement agency for the address I’ll be staying at (Riverside County Sheriff) or would that just put me on their radar? I appreciate any help!

I am a bit confused about a visit to Massachusetts.

I have a family event in Massachusetts this summer, and it’s unclear on whether I need to register or not.

I am a former registered sex offender from TX. Been off the registry

Ideally, I’d like to visit May 30-31 and June 1-3.

The text says the following, but it isn’t clear to me if it applies to former registered SO.

Visitors: Law requires registration of “secondary addresses,” defined as place of residence for 14 or more aggregate days in a calendar year, or a place routinely resided in for 4 or more consecutive or non-consecutive days per month. §178C.

Hey all,

One of these days I’ll be getting my new passport with that lovely endorsement on the front page. It sucks, but there’s not anything I can do about it. My question is, if I were to buy a passport cover, is it against the rules to slide the first page along with the cover into the ends, effectively covering the endorsement? It would be easily removable, but I would imagine only people that know what they’re looking for (customs/border agents, etc.) would ever want to look. Thoughts?

Any been to Las Vegas lately? I have to go for work. I went ten years ago and can’t remember where I had to go but the process was pretty quick and polite and I was put on a visitors list and removed upon leaving 4 days later I was told.

The DOJ’s position is your duty to register under SORNA is separate from a states obligation to implement SORNA, and it is your responsibility to comply even if the state does not require or facilitate registration. It is NOT only for those convicted of federal crimes, and Federal jurisdiction attaches the moment you set foot in another state. The “interstate commerce clause” is why. It is your duty to PROVE you were unable to, AND attempted to register. Travelers, and people removed in your conviction States beware of big brother DOJ, and the US Marshals service. The entire system is a trap to ensnare and imprison all of us. They are conducting audits, and stings, state by state rounding people up. Prepare yourselves.

if all my charges was judicial and i just got a letter saying my conviction was set aside and i no longer have to register what does that mean? i didnt have a felony before this. it was all in the juvinile court. can i travel like a normal human being?

Upon entry of an order setting aside the conviction, an individual “shall be considered not to have been previously convicted.” Mich. Comp. Laws § 780.622(1), (3). The court  “shall send a copy of the order to the arresting agency and the department of state police,” which shall retain a nonpublic record of the case. § 780.623(1).  This set-aside authority is commonly referred to as the “general expungement statute,” and a record that has been set aside may be “made nonpublic or confidential” by order of the court under Michigan Court Rule 8.119(I)

am i restricted still on domestic travel or am i free to travel as i want?

Traditionally, termination of the duty to comply with MSORA is effectuated by language in the juvenile set-aside law (MCL 712A.18e) and in the registration act (MCL 28.722, 723, 723a, and 728c). Adjudicated youths who are eligible to petition the court under MCL 712A.18e to have a criminal record set-aside not only get their record cleared if the court rules in their favor, their duty to comply with MSORA is also terminated and their name is removed from the registry because the offense is treated as if it never occurred.  

im just confused on where i fall into place on this. can anybody help me figure this out?

I’m not required to register in my home state for a Florida indecent exposure involving a minor charge while I was on vacation there -it is not a covered offense in my state at all. Still, I’m listed in Florida (but with no updates in 25 years).

If I travel to a different state, do I have to lookup the law there and see if my offense is covered in the first place? If it’s a covered offense in the state then do I determine what the period of registration is for the offense to determine if I’m still required to register on a visit, these many years out? Is that the way to approach this?

Florida doesn’t require any registration updates once you leave (but they still keep the listing on the website).

Hello, I might have missed the answer to this question, but here it is anyway, What does “business days” mean? Does it mean I can stay for 3 business days, (Thursday and Friday) in a state and then another two days for the weekend (non-Business days) and then leave the state on Monday? PLEASE RESPOND. THANK YOU 

I am considering moving to NC from SC. Has anyone made the move and have any personal experiences that could be helpful?