Overseas Travel Presentation Added to ACSOL Conference

A presentation regarding overseas travel has been added to the ACSOL conference that begins on Friday, September 20. The focus of the presentation will be travel to and through Europe including possible limitations for those convicted of a sex offense involving minor.

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ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci will make this presentation on September 20 at 2:15 p.m. Her presentation will include a discussion of the pending European Travel Information and Authorization System (ETIAS) that will require visitors to obtain a permit in order to travel to many European countries.

The ETIAS permit is not the same as a visa,” stated Bellucci. “And it will be required of both Europeans as well as those living outside of Europe, including residents of the United States.”

In order to obtain the ETIAS permit, travelers will be required to submit an application to the country they wish to visit. Applicants must disclose if they have been convicted of a “serious criminal offense” within the past 10 years. These offenses include sexual exploitation of children, rape, trafficking of human beings, murder and trafficking of drugs.

“Unfortunately, the ETIAS guidelines do not specify whether a person who is currently required to register will be included in the definition of serious criminal offense,” stated Bellucci.

The ETIAS guidelines available at this time do not include definitions of “serious criminal offenses” including but not limited to the age of a child. Another uncertainty is when the ETIAS guidelines will become effective. According to one source, ETIAS permits will become available in May 2025 and will be required in November 2025.

If a person is denied an ETIAS permit, an individual may apply for a Schengen visa that if granted would allow that individual to visit up to 26 countries in Europe. Those visas are available only at embassies and require an interview during which details of any criminal convictions would be discussed.

Although the early bird discount for the conference is no longer available, it is still possible to sign up for the ACSOL conference using the link below.

Click here to sign up for the conference

The cost of attending and/or accessing the conference is now $35. Scholarships to attend the conference are available upon request by sending an email to janice@all4consolaws.org or by calling (279) 444-7956.

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There is much to discuss during this presentation regarding overseas travel. In the past, registrants have been able to visit more than two dozen nations in Europe, but that could change next year due to a new requirement for an ETIAS permit. We are about to enter into a period of transition and during that time it may be possible to violate European laws without intending to do so possibly with major consequences. I strongly urge any person required to register who wants to travel overseas to attend this presentation.

I just want to say that if you are a citizen of,or hold a passport for any Schengen area countries (including Ireland), ETIAS is not not required

Hi Janice. I hope one of the things discussed (if known) is how to properly answer questions for this for those that have had a 1203.4 or equivalent dismissal. We don’t want to volunteer information we don’t have to, but also don’t want to be “lying” if they don’t acknowledge dismissals, particularly for those who otherwise still have to register.

To get a passport to go to Mexico do I need to inform of my registration?