MI: Federal judge rules on ACLU lawsuit over Michigan’s sex offender registry

Source: detroitnews.com 10/1/24

A federal judge in Detroit has ruled parts of Michigan’s Sex Offenders Registration Act are unconstitutional, ACLU officials of Michigan said Monday.

It said the decision will affect tens of thousands of people and follows two recent rulings by the Michigan Supreme Court, as well as numerous federal court decisions dating back to 2013.

Last Friday, U.S. District Judge Mark Goldsmith ruled on a lawsuit the ACLU filed in February 2022 on behalf of several Michigan sex offenders over the state law, which was first passed in 1994 but changed in 2021. The suit named Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and then-Michigan State Police Commander Col. Joseph Gasper as defendants.

The 2022 lawsuit was the fourth time the organization challenged the state’s sex offender registry in the past decade.

“This decision once again shows that Michigan’s sex offender registry is not only bloated, costly, and ineffective, but does not hold up to constitutional scrutiny and must be overhauled by state lawmakers,” Miriam Aukerman, ACLU of Michigan senior staff attorney, said in a statement. “Michiganders and their families deserve a system that works by prioritizing public safety and prevention, not a failed, counter-productive approach that makes all of us less safe because it sabotages the ability of people with past convictions to find housing, employment and family support, which are key to successful reentry.”

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Let’s pray this affects other states!! Once again one state says one thing and another state says another

So I guess from what other people have in the Michigan section of this website they have until October 18 to come to some kind of agreement which seems very unlikely to do, the legislator probably will not act on this so now more than likely the Sixth circuit would have will have to hear it would be my take on it.
They declined to hear it I believe before with the ACLU won the first round. But now with a state split within the circuit and being sent back down and still found parts of the registry wouldn’t the sixth be forced to step in a mediate this stalemate?

@Michigan, I just received another email from Tim@Michigans ACLU. I didn’t think the State could appeal again, but apparently they can unless I’m reading this wrong. Well here it is anyway. Nothing will happen until the State has a chance to appeal the ruling!

We will put out more information when we have it, Please do not contact us. We can not give you information on how this will affect your status on the Registry.

I’d like to be excited, but I know better.

Usually you only get 3 strikes before you’re out, but the Pogrom just got strike number 4, and is still going!

The Judiciary seems to always find some reason to continue to presume that overall everything is just fine. Doesn’t matter how demonstrably false, categorically absurd, or undeniably corrupt it is, Court’s seem to always find a way to declare the pogrom all legal, even if some parts aren’t.

Nothing even has to make sense, because nothing has to be real.

Check your Felony Information to see if the Perjuring kidnappers called prosecutors bothered to include any essential elements to a real crime.
They did not as shown in lawsuit: Doe et al v Nessel et al 23-2097 now in the Sixth Cir. since May of 2024.
(Earlier Judge Ludington in Bay City violated the good behavior clause by denying justice in his pretend court .)
Court, noun. 1. The place where Justice is administered. 2. Judges carrying out their OFFICIAL duties. By that definition none of us have been to court.
Sting ops in Michigan are unauthorized.
See jury instructions for proof – which are written by committees appointed by the MSC.
All computer ‘evidence’ collected by the perjurers is proof of innocence :
1. No underage victim
2. No required knowledge or required belief that ” the child is a child”
3. No prep for child sexual abuse ” IN ORDER TO produce child sexually abusive material.”
4. No commercial gain.
IT’S A WRAP !! Lawsuit time – have as much mercy on them as they provided you.

My question is can we sue for damages and other things. They owe me a lot of money over the years Jobs I lost and countless other things.

If a halloween sign in your front yard is compelled speech then so is signing a paper stating you are such-and-such a threat that goes on a website for everyone to see. You would think compelled speech would be even more provable being on the internet than on your front yard.

Brick by brick the wall is coning down.

I think we all should be able to file law suits to ask for punitive damages for everyday any of us have had to stay on this punitive registry while the state and federal government have abused their powers knowing the effect it has on us, Our families should also be compensated for damages also. They have over and over again abused their powers knowing it is punishment at the highest level. They keep repeating retroactive punishment is unconstitutional and EVERYONE of them knows it. This is a ABUSE of Power with neglect to act. This court SUCKS it knows it too. Everyday on this registry disables the families and those on it.

Foe easier access here are 270 grounds to sue wayward officials :

The following action by the state will be interesting because, that it is right before the election.