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So my question is in California we are safe from SORNA for good right?
I have already been taken off the registry in California due to SB 384.
So the Judge will just decide if this applies to the rest of the country right?
I mean why would the state go through all the trouble of SB 384 if they planned to have SORNA!
and what if we had originally had a felony but it was reduced to misdemeanor? does SORNA recognize that?

What is stopping our current president from signing an Executive Order that would – effective immediately – place all of those “required” to register in an off-the-radar black site holding facility or exported to Git-Mo? Or ever worse?

Before anyone responds with “he would never do that..” Let me remind those incapable of reading the room, we’re entering a new era of extremism where anything goes. .

Does anyone know of any realtors that rent to registrants in Georgia? My wife and I easily make enough to pay for a home to rent, but it appears most if not all only go back 6 to 10 years concerning convictions, but outright ban registrants or terrorists. They’re pretty much saying “sure, we will rent to a murderer, but a registrant? Now that really taking a risk.” If a person has been out of prison and employed for nearly two decades, surly its a sign said person is not trying to break the law and will be responsible……..

I am concerned as a registered person who has committed no violent crime, and only attempted to commit a crime against a non-existent person. The president is talking about sending violent US citizens to prisons in other countries. El Salvador has offered to house US citizens in what is considered one of the most inhuman prisons in the world. I am concerned that eventually this will expand to all registered people including those who have committed no violent crimes. From what I have read, sending any US citizens would be un-constitutional, but when has the constitution mattered for this president. (FYI. The US gov after Jan 20 took down the website where one could read the constitution.)

SORNA is one big fat conspiracy against rights!

“Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in the United States in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States or because of his or her having exercised such a right.

Statutes Enforced by the Criminal Section

Last edited 5 days ago by pat

Has anyone had their sexual offense sealed or expunged? Virginia is implementing a new sealing law in July and it *does not exclude* sex offenses. Under the law, you’d petition the governor to have your record sealed.

Last edited 4 days ago by NYLevel1Unique

“Is it against the law for a judge to decide a case he won as a prosecutor?”

“Yes, it is generally considered a conflict of interest and unethical for a judge to preside over a case where they were previously involved as a prosecutor, especially if they actively worked on winning that specific case, as it could appear that they are not being impartial and could potentially influence the outcome in favor of their previous position as a prosecutor; even if it isn’t explicitly “against the law” in every jurisdiction, judges are expected to recuse themselves from such cases to maintain public trust in the legal system.”

Key points to consider:

  • Ethical obligation to recuse:
  • Judges have an ethical obligation to disclose any potential conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from a case where their previous involvement as a prosecutor could create a bias.
  • Appearance of impropriety:
  • Even if a judge believes they can be completely impartial, the mere appearance of a conflict can undermine public confidence in the judicial system.

“PriceClub” comparison reveals the intent to undermine the severity of what he was imposing on Americans!

The state of Alaska has since recognized the truth that it is retroactive punishment..

Does anyone know any potential positive news fighting for PFR in Texas?

Isn’t there a statute of limitations that applies to remedial actions? Asking for a friend.

I know this was briefly mentioned a few weeks ago but do we have an accounting anywhere for how much money is being wasted on SORNA?

Ready? An anti LGBTQ+ writer that routinely posts his views on social media sites ( won’t say who he supports ) and has stated that drag queens “ groom” children has been arrested and charged with molesting a child under 12. He routinely wrote for the Federalist. Sounds like a bit of projection to me.

Last edited 3 days ago by Way too long

I plan to travel to Europe in April and am having an impossible time finding the form I need to fill out giving my 21 day notice. I live in California. I just renewed my yearly registration this week and when I asked my local law enforcement if I could have a copy of the form, they looked at me like I was crazy. Where do I get this form, and who do I turn it into? They made it seem like I was responsible for turning the form into the DOJ myself. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Can ACSOL provide links for :
. Petition forms
. 21 day travel notices
. a file of former zoom mtgs
I understand it’s a tall order and I’m not sure that a non gov site can provide gov forms.
Also links to YouTube vids that ACSOL has posted would be nice.

IL Legislation Update. It gives me great pleasure to report that two excellent bills were introduced during IL legislative session this past week:

Sen. Lightford and Rep. Lilly introduced SB2254/HB3625

This bill:
1. Reduces housing banishment zones from 500 feet to 250 feet.
2. Takes home day cares OFF the banishment list.
3. Adds a grandfather clause. (You can’t be pushed out if something opens within 250 feet.)
4. Ends weekly registration.

Sen. Johnson and Rep. Guzzardi introduced SB2197/HB3469

This bill abolishes ALL registration fees!

We need everyone in IL involved to lobby for yes votes. And we need to get 400+ proponent witness slips per bill when closer to committee. I will try to post witness slip links when the time comes, but we usually have very little advance notice, so please keep an eye on these bills and / or use the info below to get involved with the Chicago 400 Alliance effort to get these bills across the finish line. Stand up and Speak up!

Call or text a C400 leader: (220) 244-4002 Email: Follow: Twitter @Chicago400 Visit:

Did everyone enjoy seeing a rapper made recently famous for what can only be described as a reactionary internet beef with Drake perform a song full of the basest, low-brow allegations of “grooming” on the country’s biggest stage? It’s one thing to see idiots on social media sling “pedo” allegations at one another, but it’s another to see a “Pulitzer-Prize-winning artist” do it to the adoration of the media class, including the New York Times. I will say that the reader comments on the numerous NYT pieces about the artist and performance surprised me by expressing some discomfort with a smash hit song baselessly dragging a man for “pedophilia” (which may have resulted in gunshots fired at his Canadian residence). However, that’s tempered by my dismay in seeing how many Americans think a 2010s-era Facebook joke about “fingering a chord / probably A minor” is the highest form of comedy. I’ve gotten so fed up with American culture that I’m genuinely unsure if the Apple TV show “Severance” is actually really good or my expectations and standards have just plummeted.

With the Tiered Registry now running at full steam, has ACSOL considered adding a “Tiered Registry” section to the menu? Think it could divert Questions asked in other sections.
Along those lines, who here has filed their petition by themselves without use of legal services. What was your experience.
I filled out my petition already and have each department’s form requirements ( city 290 dept, county DA ) with petition, proof of registration, tier designation.
I read on a Ca court self help site that I can not serve the papers myself and need to find someone over 18 to do it. I didn’t hear that in the ACSOL video.

Referring to FEMA but…

“In an interview last month, Trump said that he would be holding talks on the future of the disaster relief agency, and in late January, he signed an order to create an advisory council to review FEMA and recommend how it can be improved.”

“FEMA has not done their job for the last four years,” Trump said during an interview with Fox News in January. “FEMA is gonna be a whole big discussion very shortly, because I’d rather see the states take care of their own problems”

Hello everyone, longtime no post, anyway, anyone get this class action settlement notice regarding consumer sor report?