TX: Kids or Criminals? series – Locked up at 11, sex offender earns parole at age 32

Khristopher Hood has something he hasn’t had in decades. Hope. Hood was just 11 when he cried alone in his cell, locked up for molesting two younger female relatives.

Now 32 and behind bars ever since, he just earned parole. The state will release him next year after he has nine months of intensive therapy. Sentenced to 40 years in 1995, Hood spent his childhood in state juvenile lockup and then, after he turned 17, in adult prison. Full Article

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What the state did to this child is a crime in it’s self! I wonder if Walsh, the Runners, Wetterling and all the others that thought the laws on the books weren’t good enough get a feeling of satisfaction at the destruction of this little boys childhood. They are possessed of an evil that must be stopped. Their kind have destroyed more lives (including the lives of many children) in the pursuit of their warped ideals and morals.

“locked up for molesting two younger female relatives?” More likely they were just exploring or playing doctor, like most kids in that age group do.

Here we have yet another clear cut example of a presstitute using certain words to convey the image they want you to see instead of reality; and that word is “molesting.”

“They said they were going to give me a chance?!?!” A chance at what? Believing lies to be truth and truth to be lies like them? I don’t think he will ever have a real chance at anything as long as these evil criminals in sheeps clothing are telling him what is right and what is wrong.

This whole thing is so sickening; what the state does, that I think I’ll end my comment here.

Q, I completely agree with you: I am literally nauseated to read what the State of Texas did to this then child. It’s beyond human and very, very far from anything near civilized. My God, they are the heinous child abusers!

It is totally disgusting how these evil people are ruining kids lives and not even batting an eye. I watched a show call young kids hard time in which they have kids as young as 10 or 11 that have been charged as an adult and sentenced to decades in adult prisons. How convenient for the gov to charge these kids as adult but there isn’t any circumstances where they can consent for sex like an adult. Hipocracy and inhuman at its best.

Anyone associated with locking up an 11 year old little boy for anything short of murder should themselves be held accountable for child abuse and punished to the full extent of the law. Throw them in prison among the GP and let them word out that they are child abusers. Let the dogs eat them alive.

What a terrible, tragic miscarriage of justice, the kind of story you read about happening in other nations under tyrannical regimes. Indeed, it seems we are now the ones living under tyranny. As someone else mentioned in another thread, “America is dead.” I have zero faith in this country about anything when it comes to matters of truth, justice, or the American Way, whatever the f that was.

I have no sympathy for anyone who claims a prepubescent person can commit a sex offense. Maybe instead of prosecuting children for engaging in so called sexual activity it would be better to let them enter into an environment where all their curiosities get fully answered. From here I can’t recommend exactly how such exploration would come about in such an environment or to what degree or for how long. From time to time people include the caveat that something shall occur in an age appropriate way. I won’t restrict this suggestion by trapping it in a small box that is not well defined throughout societies with consistency. Rather whatever actions will be permitted will be developmentally appropriate on an individual basis for those directly involved. Afterall it is unanswered questions, forbidden exploration, shame, cultural taboos, legal mumbo jumbo, guilt, categorization and labeling, and excuses like “for the children” that limit legitimate resolution and response to what is actually happening. Locking people up does nothing, only those who believe in their treatment will get something out of it regardless of how intense it is and that’s assuming counseling will be beneficial for them in the first place.

After societies properly addresses the things youth are doing it would be foolish not to translate those strategies for application in helping adults. Otherwise nothing is going to change except in the wrong direction and people will point fingers to feel better only to later get upset when something else occurs.