Once a promising young cadet in the police academy, Conshohocken’s ____ ____ ____ is now a convicted sex offender. In 2014, at the age of 29, ____ pleaded guilty to statutory sexual assault and sexual abuse of a child. The victim took private ballroom dancing lessons from ____, and investigators said that he videotaped some of their more than 20 sexual encounters, which occurred when the girl was 14 and 15 and ____ was 27.
____ will be listed on the Pennsylvania Megan’s Law website for the rest of his life. So does that mean he shouldn’t be able to work at the local pizza parlor? Full Article
Well it sounds like we should be expecting more and more of these types of reactions from “Generation Snowflake” ( http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/57724-the-spirit-of-offense-rising-rapidly-in-generation-snowflake ) Be prepared for young adults to become very aggressive as they perceive the very existence of registered citizens as a micro-aggression against them that they can’t ignore. You micro-aggress against me, I’ll macro-aggress against you!
“I got fired because I found out information about the manager and tried to take control of the situation and do the right thing,” maintains Naughton…”“I’m sorry but these kinds of people just don’t belong in our society,” she decrees. “They just don’t. Honestly, people like him should get 25 to life…”
Michaela Naughton: Sanctimonious, troublemaking malcontent doomed to a life of victimhood and deserving of any sh!storm thay comes her way.
Good on the owner who gave this guy a job and defended him.