Sex offender fails to meet registration requirements

An Austin County jury convicted ___ ___, 43, of failure to comply with sex offender registration requirements May 3 in Judge Jeff Steinhauser’s 155thJudicial District Court. Evidence concluded May 2, around 2:30 p.m., and the jury delivered the guilty verdict the next day after more than eight hours of deliberation.

After punishment evidence was presented, the jury deliberated about 25 minutes before sentencing Ward to 99 years in prison.  Full Article

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My state sucks. I wish I could leave Texas, but I’d be registered longer in another state.

I didn’t even know they could do more than the 2-10 years for registration violation just because they had other previous crimes.

Essentially a lifetime sentence for someone that did their time just because they may not have updated the address? Have we ever even seen a case where the cops actually used all that registration information to prevent or catch a real crime being committed like it was supposedly intended for? Any??? All I see is 1000’s of people doing jail time for essentially procedural mistakes.

😂🤣😅😂😅🤣😂😅🤣😂🎭🎭🍕🍺. Look!!!!! Dinner and a show!!!!! Oh the humanity. I bet you get 10 years in the pokey for spitting on the sidewalk.

my god 99 years in prison without any crimes being committed…so i guess if you plan on not registering you might as well go on a crime spree since you’re going to prison for ever anyways. this is completely unprecedented where a person can be imprisoned for violating a so called regulatory law. what next you go to prison for not paying your car registration or because you don’t have health insurance. what about if you don’t register your dog or cat or how about if you run a red light or caught speeding. everything I just named are public safety issues so lets see harsher punishment that includes jail or prison and see how much pushback you get from that…this is crazy 99 years for failing to provide personal information to the king and his regime…what’s it going to take to bring sanity and American values back to OUR COUNTRY? revolutionary war, civil war, are we going to have to rise up and bear arms against this tyrannical government??? this government is heading towards a huge conflict and showdown with its own people…just like CA just enacted a law demanding gun owners to turn in large capacity magazines or you’re in violation of the law. HA!!!! I got buddies that have stockpiles of that shi….with fully auto machine guns and hundred round drum clips and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.. good luck on getting them to give that shi..up. aint gunna happen. guaranteed it aint gunna happen..these people WILL go militia on there dumb assssses if they attempt to force them to give up any of their armory…so now we have thousands and thousands of people in CA that are not complying so are therefore are considered criminals in the eyes of the law. yep it states you must dispose any high capacity magazines or you can go to jail for a year and getting fined a hundred bucks for the first offense and punishments increase after that of course….there is an exception ” law enforcement or retired law enforcement are exempted from this bill ” imagine that. good luck CA… will be war….watch and see…

It will not be long we will read or hear about some live-in boy friend and mother will grossly kill a kid and get 10 years or less.

So he gets the same sentence as that barbarian who abused and killed his own eight-year-old son and fed his body to the family pigs!
That’s f××king insane! Not registering your address is the equivalent of killing an 8 year old child and feeding his body to the pigs!!?? 😠😠😠

The real intent of the registry is tyranny and fear. The Sex Offender Registry by design creates a climate of intimidation that leaves in it’s wake laws so intrusive that it is impossible to live and yet be at all times in compliance. It’s like passing laws stating you (as a registrant) are disallowed to stand in the rain yet disallows any form of cover or shelter to get out of the rain. The question isn’t should we stay in compliance? It’s how can we stay in compliance?

If this doesn’t show the truth behind registry laws, then I don’t know what does. It was used simply as a method to catch this guy and put him away. But I have to ask, if he has such an extensive prior CRIMINAL record, what were those judges and/or juries thinking? They only enabled his behavior, then tripped him up on a technical violation of a “regulatory scheme”? B.S.

Hopefully this guy, regardless his many past acts, is able to appeal and at least get a reasonable result. The punishment far, far outweighs the crime.


Someone must be planning to run for Office. Until people Organize this crap will continue.

“Bellville attorney John Harle represented Ward and presented witnesses who stated Ward had never left the Bellville address. “