Should sex offenders charge GPS devices at the library?

If you’re homeless, where do you charge the ankle monitor a judge has ordered you to wear?

Businesses accuse you of stealing power and scaring away their customers. The city cut off power to some major downtown spots over similar concerns.Full Article

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Yet another example of the “wisdom” of legislators. Gee, doesn’t everyone have electricity readily available? Gee, I wonder if the laws are so restrictive and onerous that they make it nearly impossible to comply? I also got a chuckle that they’ve managed to turn the public off to public places and facilities. Nice job, guys and girls! I’m sure they will just “regulate” it into being as they wish.

“‘We turn off all the electrical unless there’s an event down there, because the transients charge their ankle monitors and they also charge their cell phones,’ said Redding Parks and Facilities Manager Adam Whelen.”

I’m guessing there were fine with “real” citizens stealing the electricity to charge phones and laptops…but good heavens, to let “those people” do it?? Never!

The yahoos in the various government agencies need to get their stories straight, too. The Parks guy makes it out to be a big deal, yet the parole guy says there are only a total of nine homeless “banded” citizens in the county. Sure sounds like a crisis where these guys are stealing 1000s of Kw of electricity, unlike everyone else who never need a charge.


Why not?? It’s such a normal way of life, isn’t it?

CA has to take this one on the chin. They did not think it through completely and helping to set up these folks for possible failure by not giving them a place to charge. Who says they are not using the library as it should be while charging, e.g. reading a newspaper, etc? The library is for the public at large, which homeless are a part of.

Next thing you know, they will be charging someone for stealing water from the water fountain who did not drink it right there or from the sprinkler while it is watering.

I remember when I was on parole wearing gps along with all the other guys that was forced into homelessness we were having to charge at libraries, parole offices, couple parks downtown had electrical outlets, welfare office, and some guys even had solar panels and inverters in their cars or tents, man that was the worst three years of my life. I will never go through that crap again. I would rather just stay locked up at least in prison there was some sense of security in that no one could really beat you to death and they couldn’t really identify who or what you were in for. I seen at least four people get beat half to death when people seen their shackle and knew what it was about. I am not a weak person and ive been in my share of fights but it’s kind of hard when there’s four or five people beating you. I wish I could get more people to my campaign I guess I’ll make flyers and put them on cars in parking lots and maybe hand them out at the registration office, any suggestions would be great. I know everything the government is doing is unconstitutional and something needs to happen. the status qou isn’t working we need a new strategy…

What’s worse than being in the same building with a child is being close to all that reading material. Education can be subversive. Just think of the danger posed by the parolee if he picks up the Constitution to read while charging. Might radicalize him.
Which brings up a question about how we educate, or avoid educating children about certain things like what the State does to you when you commit a crime. They should know that.

Can’t believe that the author of this article makes it sound as though just because someone is homeless that the idea they would “pick up a book and read while they were charging their ankle monitor” is so far-fetched!
Homelessness/Sex Offender does not mean Illiterate! Geez!

When I was on parole and forced to be homeless rather than be allowed to live with my wife, I was required to charge the GPS on me for one hour twice a day. I was for a while allowed to charge at the parole office, but then that got limited to only once a day. I was not allowed to go to libraries at all, nor were any RC’s on parole at that particular office.