TN: White County Inmates Given Reduced Jail Time If They Get Vasectomy

Inmates in White County, Tennessee have been given credit for their jail time if they voluntarily agree to have a vasectomy or birth control implant, a popular new program that is being called “unconstitutional” by the ACLU.


On May 15, 2017 General Sessions Judge Sam Benningfield signed a standing order that allows inmates to receive 30 days credit toward jail time if they undergo a birth control procedure. Full Article

Women who volunteer to participate in the program are given a free Nexplanon implant in their arm, the implant helps prevent pregnancies for up to four years. Men who volunteer to participate are given a vasectomy, free of charge, by the Tennessee Department of Health. 

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I’m not sure what this has to do with RC’s, but it seems kinda weird but also maybe good? It’s on voluntary bases and some of these people may genuinely want such a procedure but can’t afford it on their own. My wife got an implant in her arm and it was expensive. It’s certainly better than having an unwanted (planned) child or making the difficult and also costly decision to abort.

I can’t imagine anyone getting a vasectomy just because they want to reduce their sentence by 30 days. But this idea just seems wrong. It reminds me of Hitler’s genetic cleansing. But, if it just saves one child from being born from a criminal that might be on drugs……

Lets hope this judge retires soon. (Forced retirement).

Is this same “get out early” deal offered to LGBT inmates? Or are only heterosexual inmates eligible for early release? Just sayin’.

I cannot imagine this practice can withstand a legal challenge. Implicit in this practice is that the REFUSAL of medically altering oneself is the basis for a LENGTHENED sentence, which is definitely unconstitutional. How does this lengthened sentence happen? Because prosecutors and judges will now have the impetus to lengthen sentences of new convicts.

It is voluntary, but….

How does getting a vasectomy impact you getting a job? He implied it would help you get a job if you had one done.

Since vasectomies are not 100% effective, can the judge, medical professional(s) and county be sued if a child is born after this particular procedure is done? Sounds like a liability to me.

Does the country have the funds to do this? Are they that flush with tax dollars? What do the taxpayers say about this?

Should go back to the trade of either jail or the military, which do you want?

It is voluntary, but if men have to get a vasectomy, women should have to get something on an equal plane. Getting their tubes tied. They are both reversible, but without a guarantee it will be successful. If women are given implants, men should get free condoms. – but, I am sure this isn’t done due to cost differences of operating on a male and a female.

At first glance I thought “WHAT THE F___!”
But then I saw it was TN.
What more is there to say?

it don’t look like it would take much of a push before not only us but our kids could be forced into this eugenics crap since Buck v Bell was never really over turned

oh yes I forgot , what it don’t say on wiki is that because of that ruling 60,ooo or 70k were put in institutions with orders for sterilization ! while what this county is doing is voluntary its still looks like the elites are fishing , just my 2 cents

It would be a good idea to read ( Buck v Bell ) not only how it began, but notice it was never over turned , as well as how the wording changed over the years , and how they went about getting all of the so called undesirable people , and over 50 hospitals kept them in the US was these ideals , Hitler got the idea from the USA , that piece of dung killed millions , anyway in the long run since 1907 it was blacks , natives , poor whites , and what they call “morons” that being a child age 10to12 years of age that seemed back word to any stupid a$$ a power position , what a bunch of phony cowards putting on this dog and pony show , and people that truly don’t care how many is stepped on to get what they want ,psychopaths loving every moment they have controlling a giant mass of people that have very little voice in this would , the psychopaths taking all of the credit for the truly good things, on this planet , while in the back ground they murder people in a clean and well swept under the carpet way , and sit in there little circle jerk and pathetic dysfunctional manner and dictate the direction of our very lives , the fact is elites were truly nothing but a figure head of stupidity , setting the rules of there own games , while the poor did the labors and fought for the freedom that only the elites truly enjoy , now with robotics and computer age , they need less of us so we are all expendable , now elites pushing for more elbow room and not wanting to care for those that need services to help them get through life , while at the same time bailing out banks and trading /selling lands that belong to the people , not bailing out the home owner , we pay the lame a$$ tax’s , loser CEO bankers get new jets to fly dictators around in comfort , while many of us that worked hard and run there bodys in the ground to make a living are doing good to own and maintain a cheap car or ride on a stinky bus cross county , eugenics ??? Dog and pony show at best . as far as race horses go I have seen mustangs run high dollar race horses in to the ground in training , or how about Joe louis v Mack schmeling fights , joe louis knocked out in the 12th round , and the second fight knocked schmeling out in the first round , eugenics lol , just another way of saying they are better because of bogus sick studys that came from other peoples suffering at the hands of tyrants

It goes to show you how much of a fascist country we’ve become, again–democracy and higher values are certainly dead: the belief in a inferior gene pool. Eugenics: Germany and the US were both leaders in this field during 30’s & 40’s–remember in Germany the fate of the Jews, gypsies, mentally challenged, homosexuals; remember lobotomies and LSD in the US! There were many in power in the US who didn’t want to enter war in Europe to save Jews! and they weren’t pacifists!

We’ve returned with vasectomies now!