SIMI VALLEY (CBSLA) — Don’t take candy from strangers. But what about sexual offenders?
The Simi Valley City Council decided on Monday night to overturn a law aimed at protecting children from sexual predators. City leaders say the law wouldn’t stand up in a legal appeal so they killed it.
There will now be nothing to stop registered sex offenders in Simi Valley from interacting with trick-or-treaters. So when Halloween rolls around in a couple of weeks, parents say they’ll be a lot more vigilant.
The ordinance involved registered sex offenders on the California Megan’s Law website. The law says they can’t answer their doors to trick-or-treating children, can’t decorate the outside of their homes or front lawns and are required to turn off outdoor lighting from 5 p.m. to midnight on Halloween.
“Don’t take candy from strangers. But what about sexual offenders?“
And what about bank robbers, burglars, murderers, and drug dealers? As a parent I’d feel much safer trick-or-treating from a drug dealer or murderer’s house – yeah, right. I just love the spin they put on these articles. On a positive note there is quite a ripple affect, albeit slow, in current news about these ordinances crumbling. Thank you Janice for the constant push back – you are clearly a force to be reckoned with and momentum is gaining. A lot has happened in recent months locally and nationwide. Let’s keep it going!
“Nothing to stop” OH! Good Grief! CBS-LA is full of BS.
Crappy, tabloid reporting! No opinion from “the other side”. Just a few helicopter moms and a Simi Valley official.
I would like to know how each Council member, by name, voted on the sex offender law…
Thanks Janice and ACSOL. damn you guys are the real deal 😁
You are a good warrior and patriot Janice, and I really hope you take a look at bringing a full on battle against the entire scheme in light of all the recent rulings. I guess you might want to wait untill we see what happens with my case, but maybe not. I think it is safe to say, we appreciate your hard work and we enjoy the fruits of that labor everyday. Whatever happens, thank you and your team for everything you have done!!!!
I did not go through all the comments so I’m sure somebody said this before, but just to get it off my chest I’m going to STATE THE OBVIOUS here.
Parents, if you are sooo concerned that your child might go trick-or-treating at a registered sex offenders house,
(1) sit your ass down at the computer,
(2) go to the Megan’s Law web page,
(3) note where the RSOs live in the area where your child will be going and
(4) do not let them go to that house.
Why would such a law even be needed?
PS: (5) Do not let them go trick or treating with Uncle Bob or their church group because a relative or youth group leader, that they know and trust. is <90% more likely to molest them than some stranger whoes house they are spending one minute at trick-or-treating.