OK: Two dads pose as teenage girls online to lure ‘pedophiles.’ They caught one, Oklahoma cops say

[star-telegram.com – 5/31/18]

Russell Goodwin and Jeremy Thomas think of themselves as the Pedophile Patrol.

One local news station called them video vigilantes.

The two Oklahoma City dads have gained a modest Facebook following for their page, where they post videos of themselves confronting men they say are pedophiles. They call themselves “Oklahoma Pedophile Prevention.

They make their claims through similar tactics to those used by the show which ran on NBC from 2004 to 2007. They pose as teens and exchange either texts or social media messages with men around Oklahoma City they suspect to be sexual predators and arrange meetings with them, usually in public places.

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Two vigilantes aggressively seduce a stranger, then request that person get arrested for “predatory” behavior?

This article seems to want to hail these men as heroes endangering their lives for the common good, and God help us if it inspires anyone else to follow suit and take it to the next level.

How on Earth is it still legal in a ‘Free Country’ to create fake scenarios/personas to ensnare people that would otherwise have NEVER been in such scenerios? That is completely illogical and seems more like another human rights violations by the law.

How can he be charged with ” lewd or indecent acts with a child under 16″ when there was no child?

this isn’t a state I live in. but this could happen anywhere. I have a feeling it probably happens more than thought. its just that this one caught attention. however the police officer was right in saying that private citizens shouldn’t be going around like the wild west posse’ …..lets face it, do that to the wrong person, and things may turn out very badly…. I know where I live, protection permit allows conceal and carry, AND the right to protect myself from a perceived threat….can you say HIGH POWERED WEAPON????

A competent lawyer should be able to knock this out of the park and be able to sue the DA and cops for false arrest, particularly with regard for using the “chat transcripts” as the only evidence.

An interesting hobby. Gee, I’d so hate to see things backfire on these “heroic” dads.

These guy’s need other hobbies. Perhaps spending more time with their children? Please tell me their kids are either way older or are not teens yet. Who is more predatory now?

I’m considering following this model. Lets see what happens when my county DA finds out!!!

Yes, these two are over zealous morons that think they can save the world against evil by being vigilantes.
But come on, the other side of this is the moron that is being set up. One simple question by the caller can end this.” How old are you?” If they follow through knowing what they are doing is illegal, then they have no defense.
Obviously we have all made an error in judgement, or we would not be where we are. But I have no emphathy for someone that is making an overt effort to meet underage persons. Some will surely disagree with this, but it’s my thoughts on this subject.

These guys are just following the examples set by Perverted Justice and other groups over the years…stupid is as stupid does!