RI: City Officials Stoke Mob Mentality in Front of Sex Offender’s Home

When _____ _____ , a convicted child sex offender, was released from prison after serving almost 30 years, he quietly moved into the Washington Park neighborhood in Providence. One would not have expected a welcome wagon — but an angry mob should not have been the result either.

Because his crimes were committed so long ago, Gardner is not subject to the community notification provisions that apply to more recent offenders under the state’s Megan’s Law. But the police leaked his address to public officials, and a media circus ensued. The result has been raucous nightly protests in front of his house by dozens of people calling on him to leave the neighborhood. Full ACLU Statement

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So the mob should be held for harassment. I don’t see how this can be allowed. Threatening someone is not a peaceful assembly.

It sounds like the ACLU are talking out of two sides of the mouth?

Think of the sh** that would ensue if 20 registrants would picket the Mayor’s & police chiefs house…

(Our poster child) …… age 20ish at the time
On Halloween night in 1987, Gardner took a 12-year-old Rockland boy into the woods at Wompatuck State Park in Hingham and sexually assaulted him. He was arrested and charged with rape and kidnapping. While on bail, Gardner kidnapped a 10-year-old in Warwick, Rhode Island, and sexually assaulted him at a nearby baseball field. He also sexually assaulted a 6-year-old Warwick boy after grabbing him from the steps of a public library.
After his arrest for those crimes, Gardner was accused by Providence, Rhode Island, police of kidnapping a boy and driving him around.
Gardner was found guilty of the Rhode Island crimes and sentenced to 190 years behind bars. Rhode Island’s highest court threw the conviction out in 1992 because it ruled the judge in the case erred by not allowing a psychologist to testify about Gardner’s mental state. Gardner pleaded guilty in 1993 and was sentenced to 50 years in prison.

I live in Rhode Island and have been following this nonsense for a week now I even went as far as going by Richards house and from what I seen the providence police should be asking for green cards instead of promoting this nonsense along with the mayor of providence who should be more concerned shouting fixing the schools instead of promoting vigilantism.