FL: Bill to ban child sex dolls advances in Florida legislature

A Florida bill to ban childlike sex dolls passed its third Senate committee on Wednesday and is headed to the Senate floor.

Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, sponsored SB 160  amid an international conversation surrounding child sex dolls and their link to increased sexual preying on children. Full Article

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I’m really wondering what they’re putting in the Floridah water. They constantly come up with the craziest laws. What’s next, drawings of stick figure children will be banned if you don’t draw clothes on them?

So the basis of this law is a Canadian study that found “that use of child pornography increases the risk of recidivism.” I’m not sure what that would have to do with plastic dolls. Pictures of children are real, a plastic doll is not.

I can’t actually understand the desire to have sex with a plastic doll, but I guess sex dolls wouldn’t be produced if there wasn’t a market for them. (Maybe most are purchased as gag gifts)?

I would love to see this go before the courts, but who would be willing to be a plaintiff in this case other than a manufacturer? – Your Honor, my client has been denied his constitutional right to own a manikin made of plastic because the government fears he might have sex with it. My client says that he views it as piece of art and that he has not had sex with it. – That would be the funniest court hearing ever.

The Book family must have nothing else to do- now they are banning dolls? She should be focusing on making life better for everyone and not excluding a certain percentage of the population, whom she has hate and rage against.

Ban on dildos? Small vibes.

“Child pornography increases the risk of recidivism.”

Her ignorance is dangerously convenient. No wonder Florida is in the shape it’s in.

“It’s like tempting an addict with their drug of choice,” Book said

If that is her opinion then why doesn’t she work on getting billboards of alcoholic products removed from around where her dad hangs out?

The Books has much more experiences about these dolls then the average RC, this is first time I knew any of them existed.

There isn’t an answer for this Book woman . How crazy is she ! Wonder how her mind works .

I think the TRUE sex offenders are the politicians who dream of these bills

“Craig Crenshaw, a registered sexual offender in Florida, said he supports the ban. The 65-year-old was convicted of sexual battery on a teen in 1987.

“I would support banning those ’cause children aren’t sex toys,” he said.”

Poor, sad, over-compensating Craig: “And sex toys aren’t children.” Is that so difficult to comprehend?

Also, Lauren Book is so vacuous a legislator that a mannequin would be more substantive. I assume that she’s anxious to get public attention off of her drunk-driving and potentially homicidal father.

I would’ve thought that rather than increase recidivism, having such a doll would have the literal opposite effect, since it would serve as a safe and harmless release. Since someone with pedophilia can’t act on his attractions, wouldn’t it be better if he had a legal and safe outlet?

Besides that, it’s an inanimate object that harms no one, and using said object victimizes no one. Banning an object merely because you morally object to it (and you have to grasp at straws to justify your objection) is puritanical and tyrannical. Not only that, banning things has historically created black markets and increased criminality.

Shouldn’t Lauren Book be more concerned about how many children are killed on the Florida highways by repeat offending drunk drivers like her father Ron Book. 12,000 children a year are killed by people like him. Those are hard cold facts with bodies in the morgues to prove it, yet she is using some hypothetical fictitious study that has no tangible evidence to base it on.