CA: Newsom seeks to halt parole for some murderers and serious offenders. What does that signal?

[ – 3/26/19]

____ liked to suck on the toes of young boys and has spent the last 16 years in prison because of it.

A jury convicted him in 2003 at age 32 in a case that shook Newport Beach, where he was a supervisor in the city’s youth recreation program. He was tried on multiple counts of child molestation and sentenced to two concurrent life terms after being caught in the act by a co-worker.

Last week — despite an attempt by Gov. Gavin Newsom to stop it — ____ won parole.

____’s impending release is one of 33 cases in which Newsom, since taking office, has attempted to stop a serious offender from receiving parole, according to documents provided by the governor’s office. Parole hearings usually take place in front of a two-person panel. The governor can’t revoke these paroles but can ask the state’s 15-member Board of Parole Hearings to review them.

Newsom also has stopped 46 paroles for murderers, a different process that allows him to act unilaterally through executive powers.

Brian Ferguson, a spokesman for Newsom, said, “Each case that comes before the governor is evaluated on its own merits and receives careful review and consideration.”

The interventions mark a steep increase from those undertaken by former Gov. Jerry Brown and are a departure from the progressive criminal justice reform stance that Newsom has championed, including his recent moratorium on the death penalty.

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“Newsom seeks to halt parole for some murderers and serious offenders. What does that signal?” Nothing good, I’m afraid. Newsom is coming into focus in relation to “sex offenders.”

and again, more evidence that a potential end to this nightmare lies in electing liberal Democrats into office. Sorry guys, but the only real chance we have is with those who hold a conservative view of the U.S. Constitution. I’m not saying that’s necessarily with a Republican either.

This is a very misleading article. We have an individual convicted of numerous sex offenses against children while in a leadership role. This wasn’t an isolated incidence. Furthermore, he was convicted 15 years ago and given 2 life sentences? What do you expect? I don’t think any Governor in Ca has simply approved every request for parole? What are you suggesting? The article also states he has declined to support murderers? Do you know the facts? I believe one was a member of Charles Manson’s cult. What about the paroles he has supported? Has this website became CNN? I’ve posted other comments disagreeing with your views and for some reason, you failed to post them? Maybe I should refrain from making further donations?

@Eric very well said !! … plain and simple if someone has been arrested on multiple charges of rape and child molestation and sent to prison got out and reoffended should not be granted any type of early release from a parole board and if he is granted any form early release he should be labeled a sexually violent predator and should have to register for life with GPS monitoring ankle bracelet and the community should be notified whenever this person is moving into their neighborhoods beacause it’s people like that who can’t control themselves and make it harder for people who’ve made mistakes in their lives did their time and been living as a respectable citizen since especially when everybody on the registry is group togethe. so I totally understand where this judge is coming from hes just doing his job and trying to keep the community safe

Well stated! Changes should also be made to SB 384 so that if you meet the requirements, it’s automatic. It’s very clear that the registry is and has been out of line for some time. Newsom is a very liberal Governor, but he stil has to do his job. Best wishes

Your comment is complete nonsense in Smith v Doe it was the two most liberal judges RGB and Breyer who said Alaska’s registry was nonconstitutional for violating post Facto. The conservative judges all claimed that the registry is not punitive.

Please don’t post politically charged stuff here if you have no idea what you’re talking about

Can a person who committed a sex offense as a juvenile, age 12, in California, be required to register as a sex offender 30+ years down the road when they are released from prison on an unrelated, non sex based offense?

Registrant, we live in Ca? What do judges and a Governor have in common? I suggest leaving the legal garçon to lawyers. You make zero sense!!!!!!!