CT: Police awards questioned after sex offender honored

Some Town Council members are calling procedure into question after the Police Department dolled out a Citizen’s Award to a registered sex offender at its awards ceremony last week, recognizing him for his actions in thwarting car burglars in his neighborhood last July. Full Article

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Why not promote victimhood, or becoming a victim, as it pays much better?
In opting for SORNA did all 51 And SCOTUS tell the world about how many bad people make up America. Yes!
Does this policy?
A. Encourage others to think well about Americans
B. Encourage other to think of Americans as corrupt or deviant.

While we’re building a wall on the Southern border add a PSA stating


In other words, a former sex-offender are not capable of being a good person, even through they really are.

Once you do evil evil will stay on you till you die even thou are country say lets forgive yea right!! It all about the feelings if you hurt someone,s feelings you F!ed and will pay the price even if the price is right or wrong

“Hall added that it would have been discriminatory to disqualify Silva from the list of award recipients simply because he’s a registered sex offender.”— the police defended him and their award. Impressive.

Have you all read the whole article? He was arrested 3 days after recieving the award for sexual assault and stalking! This is bad publicity for registrants!

This type of article and reporting reminds me of the volunteer fire chief who was voted back into office by his own peers (others that give their “free” time and risk their lives to save people and property) and his re-election supported by the town’s mayor.

The media got wind that he is a se$ offender and everything came tumbling down. The coverage was so bad that it pressured the chief to resign his position. So being a se$ offender automatically says that you can’t be good at what you do or no matter how good you are at something as important as saving lives and property it does not matter because of your past, but only this type of “past” negates all the good you can possibly do in the future also.

The police department supported their decision to issue the award just like the mayor supported the re-election decision of the fire chief – BUT the “past” for something like this type of crime will always trump anything that may come out of something potentially “good”.

I was a volunteer firefighter years ago and I will be the first to tell you that when it comes to voting on a person to be any ranking officer in the fire department and especially the chief you are not just voting for a person you are voting for a person that you have a lot of confidence in performing their duty, not so much of their duty telling you what to do at the scene of the fire but knowing that if he/she sends you into a fire and puts your life in danger that he/she will be right behind you giving you all the support you need to protect you. I would not base my judgement on such a person’s skill level mainly because of his/her background but how I see him/her today!!

So, they’re going to start “vetting” candidates for these dumb awards now? This just showcases another punitive aspect of Megan’s law – It doesn’t matter if you find a cure for cancer, All the good you can do in the world won’t matter because it won’t cancel out your past sex conviction and being on the registry.

This politician is basically arguing for 25% of our population (that’s how many American’s have a record) to just turn a blind eye to all the wrong that’s going on, since they’re not going to be viewed for their current actions, but just their past misdeeds. Not that doing something good means that you’re looking for a reward, just that if you are recognized for it, someone is going use your past against you to diminish what you did. I personally fear that if I am to be recognized for something positive publicly, it’ll instead turn into hell as then people will inevitably learn of my past and use it against me, possibly costing me my job or worse. Articles like this and from a while ago where the volunteer elected fire chief got the shaft, squarely because they were publicly recognized for doing something very positive. Were I in a more secure financial standing, I’d welcome showing the public hypocrisy through good deeds. But I’m currently not going to risk my families well being by doing big enough good things to be recognized for.

Here is another case just like this:


Honor recipient name is removed from the list after publishing, with the note:

Editorial note: “Out of sensitivity to members of our community, the original information in this article has been modified. Our priority is to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all students. The College of Arts and Sciences is launching a thorough review of our award processes, to be sure that we are using all of the information available to make the best choices for all of our students.” Ken Petren, Dean


So “inclusion for all” excludes those we don’t like, and his mere receipt of this award makes the academic environment unsafe.

In all fairness, no criminal records are mentioned in the bios of the other recipients.

The student in question got probation for his offense – for perspective. From his sentencing: “Houston appeared to weep while Kelsey read to him the responsibilities of registering as a sex offender.”

No kidding.