Could GPS-Tracked Sex Offenders Go Unmonitored During Power Shutoffs?

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – Hundreds of thousands of Californians remain in the dark as another round of planned power outages hit California. Parts of 29 counties and nearly 600,000 customers are affected. And now the shutoffs are raising new concerns that violent offenders could take advantage of the outages.

Victims rights groups say the fear is real. They want to make sure offenders using tracking devices are being monitored. Full Article

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Lets get some things in the open air tonight ok !
Lets say RCs are to wear tracking devices….so if an ex offender decides to to something supposedly bad again the Public is SAFE …So, do we fool ourselves believing that a determined offender who chooses to do wrong is STOPPED by this monitor and by the time the Law gets them harm will not be done ?
Now that being said, if the ex offender DOES NOT supposedly offend again, WE THE PEOPLE/LAW HAVE HURT THEIR LIBERTIES FOR THE SAKE OF “JUST IN CASE”
In actuality and Honesty its just a PRE-CRIME TOOL?
Seems like One HELL of a IDEOLOGY Concept mixed with a so called DEMOCRATIC Justice System !

I’m glad the authorities made the effort to state that it’s parolees that are monitored, though that fact will probably fly under the radar with how this biased article is presented.

Blackouts happen all the time. How many new sex crimes have been committed by paroled registrants during any of these outages? The answer is probably why this story couldn’t cite any previous incidents.

I’m convinced that, when the fit hits the shan, these useless societal parasites cowering helplessly under their beds in a constant state of fear will become food for the rest of us.

Duh. Yes! The inherent nature of the electronic infrastructure in stark concrete terms. The internet of things is here, so like the infrastructure in the Boeing 737 Max often exacerbates human error based on misunderstanding the true nature of the human coded database driven machine. The Kindle I use jacks up my typing all the time by automated spell corrector, small screen and fat fingers. So while the people whole rush headlong in to a big data age they do so with great risk to their own sovereignty. The sex offender already knows the punch and lives it. That e the people indenture humans to machines that track them because it’s cheaper than prison is beyond me. A protection racket legalized for firm profits through lease by gov actors benefits ” the whole people”?

Lets see, it is Halloween and it is end of the month and CBS13 ratings must be down a scary sex offender fake story should help.

My favorite part of this nonsense article is that it doesn’t mention that when the power goes off so does your home security system, cameras and WiFi that connect it all together. I’m far more concerned with the idea that my home will be vulnerable while I’m away with no power. Anyone can break in. There is an obvious fear mongering and fake headline producing motive behind this stupid article. Super tired of the media creating victims where none exist.

They must have interviewed the most idiotic person for this report, “If their GPS monitors are not able to be re-charged, they have an excuse, a free ticket to re-harm their victim or someone else,”

What half-brained person thinks that a power outage is a free ticket for a person to commit a sex crime? This person clearly has no clue as to why sex offenses happen in the first place. Common sense tells you that a truly dangerous person would not wait for a power outage to act out on their urges, they would cut off the monitor (like many thousands have) and disappear.

The truth is (borrowing their own quote) this is how the story should have read: “They’re not only worrying about electricity in their home, and water from their well, but they have to worry about” staying in compliance with the terms of their supervision or risk re imprisonment, despite being caught up in an emergency situation beyond their control.

I encourage everyone who cares in the least about our fellow persons being displaced by these fires to write the station and the agency with whom that person is employed. It is reports like this that continue the nonsense that certain classes are not living, thinking, feeling people, painting them to be incarnations of evil in need of constant restraint. This ridiculousness couldn’t be further from the truth. Once again, an example of reporters thinking it is perfectly acceptable to talk about our population group without giving any of us a voice in the report.

The most rational statements, oddly, came from the supervising agency, who did not stoke the hysteria being injected into the report, but instead offered rational assurances and even referred to the people as “clients”.

6 months gps ordered by judge for cp which I still dont understand but back then didn’t have the knowledge to fight. It went dead during a double shift at work. My probation officer was pissed. She threatened to put me in front of the judge on a violation. I called her bluff. I said go ahead. She didn’t because I had a lot on my side.

I wonder if they are welcomed at the emergency shelters… on the radio they listed off places that are park & rec, schools, and churches

Good grief! Talk about your misplaced priorities. The f***ing world is on fire and we’re supposed to believe that unmonitored sex offenders represent a great public safety threat.

A little perspective — and humanity — would be nice.

So sex offenders put up with Probation/parole officers…Monthly/once a year registration ..GPS tracking device with camera and audio recording.. Megan’s Law website.. Local law enforcement compliance checks twice a year… all this just waiting for the next blackout to strike ….smh