Invitation to participate in study on adults and youth with sex offenses

Note by Janice: This is a legitimate study being conducted by a legitimate organization in Los Angeles county. While some of the language used in the request may be overly sensitive it is up to each individual to make a decision whether to participate.



My name is Luis and I am a researcher and the purpose of this is to inform you about a research project focused on “Improving Workforce Development Outcomes for Adults and Youth with Sex Offenses.” As part of California’s Workforce Accelerator Fund (WAF), Friends Outside in Los Angeles County has begun conducting research to understand the impacts of federal and state polices on individuals with sex offenses (adult and juveniles), in collaboration with representatives from multiple nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and interested parties from across LA County. The study will also look at the issues related to this targeted population and their experiences with employment, housing, recidivism, treatment, identity, family relationships, and stigmatization.

Please read the information and determine if you would consider being interviewed in this study.

The following procedures will occur: You will communicate your availability to the researcher and then confirm time to meet. The interview will take place for 1.5 hours, preferably in person.


This study involves no more than minimal risk.  There are no known harms or discomforts associated with this study beyond those encountered in normal daily life. However, for those that have not participated in this type of interview there might be some emotional discomfort, although minimal.


There will little identifiable information collected about you. Pseudonyms will be used from the beginning of the interview process. Subjects of this study will be able to create their own pseudonym from the beginning of the study and researcher will use pseudonym throughout study.



Please feel free to contact me directly for any information, comments, or concerns at or telephone (310) 430-6964.

Thank you for your consideration,

Luis Barrera Castañón

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Does Janice ok this , Study ?

I find this part to be very troubling: “You will communicate your availability to the researcher and then confirm time to meet. The interview will take place for 1.5 hours, preferably in person.”

I simply cannot reconcile that with what they are saying is the purpose of the study. I will be giving this a very hard pass.

Ya, Janice would definately have to say OK first.

Is a yay or a nay?
The study sounds interesting and definitely another resource for us to speak out, gives us an opportunity to inform more people on the matter-not to lean on a myth instead of really focusing on better understanding!
Am I wrong?

Luis, I’m not in California. Janice has my contact info if you want to talk.

@Ruben H.

Definitely intriguing. Must look into this…

Filled out the survey. But I’m out of country so not sure how it would work 😂