Title: Contextualizing the experiences of sexual offenders
Eligibility: You are a registered sexual offender in any state and are at least 18 years of age.
Description: This study looks at the long term and short-term impacts of plea deals for sexual offenders. Plea deals can be coercive in nature, innocent individuals sometimes plead guilty, and people who accept plea deals are not always aware of the negative consequences for their life. This study seeks to understand the factors that make a person more or less inclined to accept plea deals. This study also examines the negative consequences faced by a sexual offender after being placed on the registry.
What is Involved: As a participant in this study, you will be interviewed via telephone. The interview will last approximately 45 – 90 minutes. Also, you will complete a very short survey that should take only 5 minutes. Nowhere in the interview or on the survey will you be asked to provide your name or any other identifying information. The interview and survey are strictly confidential! When the research is published, an alias will be used instead of your real identity!
Instructions: This study is completely CONFIDENTIAL!!! Please note that the researcher for this project is an Associate Professor in the Department of Justice Studies at Montclair State University and has previously authored or co-authored 3 books on the negative impacts of sexual offending legislation on sex offenders and their families.
If you are interested in participating in an interview, please call
Dr. Lisa Anne Zilney at 732-221-2241 (EST)
or email at zilneyl@montclair.edu
I will volunteer, Janice. Any study that “examines the negative consequences faced by a sexual offender after being placed on the registry” is definitely what we want!
Who will join me? Email Dr. Zilney today.
Okay, I emailed. 🙂
I will take it after work
I sent them an e-mail stating that I’d volunteer to do the survey just now.
Excellent, guys! Everyone, if we want the word to get out about how the registry destroys our lives, we need to be willing to invest an hour! After all, we are all stuck at home anyway. Don’t let fear and distrust stop you from speaking up. This is a perfect opportunity! Or do you want to let the “Price Club Membership” stereotypes continue?
I sent her an email.
Just sent her an email. The truth about the registry must be brought to light!
I finished the interview and it went very well. I’m glad to be part of those willing to invest some time in smashing stereotypes of registrants and expose our suffering.
Are YOU willing? You’ve got the time since you are stuck indoors like me.
I would also like to volunteer. I sent an email.
I did the interview last week! I think it went well and hope Dr. Zelney thought so too. The registry has got to be changed! Congress doesn’t want a list of congress men and women to be released about who paid off a sex allegation but they have no problem about a list of us!! Hypocrites