CA: DOJ Executive Order N-63-20 Regarding Sex Offender Registration


The California Department of Justice has issued an Information Bulletin directing law enforcement agencies how to remotely register individuals convicted of a sex offense.  The information in the bulletin is being issued to provide guidance regarding implementation of the Governor’s Executive Order issued on May 8.

According to the Information Bulletin, law enforcement officials are to confirm all data fields on the registration forms.  They are then to sign the registration form noting that the form was “completed on behalf of and with consent of” the registrant.  The Information Bulletin states clearly that law enforcement are not to take the photos or fingerprints of any registrant.

“This is a significant step in the right direction,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.  “Law enforcement agencies that follow the guidance provided in the Information Bulletin will help stop the further spread of the coronavirus by discontinuing in-person registration.”

There are a total of seven cases pending in California’s state and federal courts challenging in-person registration.  The impact of this Information Bulletin on the pending cases, if any, is not known at this time.  Of that total, five cases are now pending in California Superior Courts that were filed during the week of March 23 against the City of Murietta, the City of San Diego, the County of San Diego, the County of Los Angeles and the City of Sacramento.  The sixth case case was filed in the California Supreme Court on April 1 and the seventh case was filed in federal district court on April 28.

Download a PDF of the order:

CA DOJ Executive Order N-63-20 Regarding Sex Offender Registration IB 20-07


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If it goes well, then there would be no reason that it couldn’t stay like this permanently.

well I just spoke to san Bernardino pd an was informed of my duty to register in person ,on which im scheduled to be at police station in person may 19, 830a with a mask ,, what ajoke they PD SAY ITS BUIESNESS AS USUALY IN SAN BERNARDINO CITY

Originally the registry started out as a simple notification to the police department, I do believe it was mail in, and that is when supreme court justice Roberts made his infamous quote that, “To register is no more trouble that getting a Price Club card.” and thus the standard that registry is no punishment was set in stone, and back then it may not have been. That was probably before the internet was in every home and on every phone, and before Sorna and all the total oppression and invasion of rights. Now being on the registry is basically being banished from society. Many states don’t allow registrants to get certifications in various trades, you certainly can’t teach, I can’t even take a college class unless I meet with the campus police and get humiliated and put on their “dangerous person” list. We have unannounced visits by the police for all neighbors to see, mandatory annual visits to the police station and 5 years imprisonment if something should go wrong. Originally the registry was a simple procedure of a mail in notice, but it has morphed into a behemoth that its sole purpose is to insure the registrant never has a normal life again.

The concept of registering remotely sounds great. I for one will request an email to confirm receipt so they can’t later suggest that I failed to register.

That’s crazy I just did my 30 day registration last month on the 28th in person and they made me finger print each page at the Temple city sheriffs station. I don’t think they are going to care about this piece of news I’ll find out for sure in 2 werks

Great! What about OC? I registered via phone in mid March? The girl on the phone was clueless. Call back? People should realize that life will never be the same after this.

Does anyone have any information on San Diego County registration at the SD sheriff licensing division? Website says in person Tuesdays and Wednesdays by appointment only. Tried to call and only get a machine recording. I need to register by the end of the month.

I had to go in and register I was told to put a mask on and gloves I’m a high risk with my health because I have diabetes I had to remove my glove to give my thumb print No sanitizer was offered to me after placing my thumb in this ink that could have had countless people put there hands in it I was possibly exposed do the virus and possibly endangering my family this was in Riverside county

Has anyone registered in OC since the governor’s executive order? Is it by phone, and if so, what does it entail? Just name and confirmation that you still live where you live, or do they go through all the 5 pages that normally have to be initialed?

I’d bet $100 the cops will take this as an excuse to visit each and every house for “compliance checks.”

I just left san Bernardino Pd and they are in fact doing registrations at the ploice dept , just did my annual registration at front desk records dept,,,,

I just received a call from the OC Sheriffs Department. I was left a message. I was informed the registration process via telephone would take 1 hour!

Why aren’t the LEOs doing what every loan company and most insurance institutions do everyday. Have the complete forms on line, have individual fill them out, then have it signed with electronic signature.
God forbid Law enforcement take even a small step into the 21st Century.