BBC: Can Sex Offenders Change?

[ – Available on BBC iPlayer on August 20, from 6:00 am UK time zone]

Follow Becky Southworth as she steps into the unsettling world of sex offender rehabilitation. Meeting the sex offenders living in our communities, Becky tries to understand what drove them to commit these horrific crimes, whilst seeing what treatment is available to stop them committing any more.
Becky’s father was convicted of sex offences against children and received 10 years in prison. He has since been released, but while in prison he undertook a sex offender rehabilitation programme. Becky does not know if it worked, and doesn’t speak to her father now, but wants to know if rehabilitating sex offenders is even possible.

In this film Becky steps into the unsettling world of sex offender rehabilitation, meeting the sex offenders living in our communities understanding what drove them to commit these horrific crimes, while seeing what treatment is available to stop them committing any more.

Filmed across the UK in anonymous locations, Becky meets a growing group of offenders who have not been sent to prison for their crimes, but have received treatment in the community.

Through meeting these people and reflecting on her past, Becky considers whether sex offenders can really change.

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Who is this “Becky”? Is she supposed to be some expert? Credentials please?

So she won’t even speak to her own father because of his crime and he had treatment in prison but she will go out and speak with total strangers who have committed the same type of crimes and have had treatment. Even two people who commit the same exact type of se$ual crime and have the same treatment will not be affected by the treatment the same way.

If she had committed a horrific crime of any nature she would expect her father to stand by her with his support but she won’t do the same for him.

The reason why she is doing this so called study is because–?

Just another nobody trying to get their fame by making a film about registrants. Why doesn’t she just reach out to her father and leave everyone else alone!!

The title of this article written by her shows it is flawed from the start by categorizing all people on the registry together. That is like saying can all people who steal stop stealing? Are you talking about the adolescent that shoplifted or the person that has 6 breaking and entering convictions and two armed robberies? Nobody would put them in the same category, but there are probably over forty convictions that can put a person on the registry, yet they are all immediately categorized together. That is absurd. And did Miss Becky confirm that the reoffense rate for all people on the registry is under 3%? And people who make 10 years without reoffending seldom ever reoffend. Can you say that about domestic violence abusers, DUI’s, drug dealers? I think not. Stop hiding the real data and accept the fact that most people who make a bad choice behind their human sexuality never do it again.

Can individuals like Becky ever admit their preconceptions, assumptions and opinions are shaped,and formed by personal bias?

Emotional hysteria is a pandemic just like racism.

I find this comical in that murderers and others are not held to the same scrutiny, only sexual crimes……

Every time some nobody journalist/news reporter wants to make a name for themselves they pick on the already beaten and battered sexofenders they allways go find the homeless dude liveing under a freeway pass and ask them how they ended up there.
Honestly its geting old allready every person forced to register needs to take the power back by wrighting there own articles on day to day life of being a sexofender and have it published in the local paper.
Wright your own books make your own documentarys on how pointlessness the registry is.
Go out and find normal productive members of Society interview them and post it youtube and let the people see that not all people forced to register are the same.

Good luck