ACSOL Executive Director Appointed to CA Supreme Court Case

ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci has been appointed to the case of In re Gadlin, which is currently under review by the California Supreme Court.  Prior to Ms. Bellucci’s appointment, Mr. Gadlin was represented by attorney Michael Satris, co-founder of the Prison Law Office, who recently died of a heart attack.  The case was fully briefed by Mr. Satris prior to his death.

“I am honored to be appointed to this case before the California Supreme Court because it challenges regulations issued by the California Department of Corrections that prohibit anyone convicted of a sex offense from receiving the benefits of Proposition 57,” stated Bellucci.  “I have successfully challenged the same regulations both in trial court and appellate court.”

According to the California Supreme Court, oral arguments in the case will be conducted in October 2020 on a date to be determined.


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Congratulations and good luck, Janice! Kick their ass!

Challenges are always good. Many times we know when to leave things along. Have any of you guys on here ever heard the pharse ” Nothing worse than a woman’s scorn”. Even this afternook I had a challenge of sorts. I went to a storee to buy some foam board for a project had my mask on went to the front to see if they carried foam board and the lasy cashier talkig to the other cashier said that I am suppose to wear a mask and that my mask wasn’t over my nose. Guess it slipped or something.

Even the present sets an example so either you wear a mask or don’t wear a mask. I guess nobodys’ perfect. So I just left when she confornted me I said God bless you and she said in her tone thank you. She should of said excuse me but your mask is not covering your nosse.
I wish Janice the best in these rationalizing bouts about this right or wrong in all this criminal matters. She’s a trooper, and yes a trooper advocate, or layperson for true justice is a God sent.

Thank you for taking up the mantle for Mr. Satris. This is a big deal for everyone on the registrant side. Adding another win could probably help expose the legislative oppression onto a single group. Re: Taylor revealed the unconstitutionality of residency restriction. There was also presence restrictions that were beaten back.

Each win for registrants helps to make the public and courts cognizant of such unfairness and obvious targeting of a singled out group where the legislation hid behind the cloak of “it was meant to be civil” laws. Registrants are segregated and oppressed legislatively as well as have the laws be blanket laws, as Ms. Carpenter laid out:

The more Janice and team continually win court cases, the more legislative oppression is identified. All these wins could somehow be used as evidence against the state(s) or nation. It could be used with Ms. Carpenter’s academic paper so that might be ripe to utilize the fourteenth amendment – due process.

Glad to know the plaintiff’s family is in the best hands possible!

@ Janice Bellucci go girl !!..

Hey, I know her 🙂


Congratulations, Janice! May the Lord guide you, and may you win!

Congratulations Janice!! That is very impressive.

A name that DAs and courts know that should send chills down their spines. A name like no other for defending people who are forever unworthy to the blind and ignorant. A name who believes in the Constitution and civil rights for all. A name that gives the hopeless reasons to go on. A name that should be remembered for her passion, compassion, understanding, and dedication for doing the right thing. That name is none other Janice Bellucci!!!

Good luck

I believe in you Janice.

Congratulations Janice, I’ll praying for you that you’re going to have the strength, courage and right words to win and to set a precedent in law, that will help a lot of people that are living in this nightmare, God bless you and good luck .

Congratulations Janice!

Sorry to hear that Mr. Sartris passed away, but I am glad you are here to pick up where he left off, Janice!

Go get’m Janice!