NJ: Gov. Murphy: Sex Offender Getting NJ License Back ‘Reprehensible’

[patch.com – 2/26/21]

Gov. Murphy called for changes after the NJ chiropractic board gave a sex offender his license back.

PARAMUS, NJ — Gov. Phil Murphy called for changes after a former Bergen County chiropractor and registered sex offender gained approval to have his license reinstated after a years-long fight.
The New Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners made the decision to reinstate Bryan K. Bajakian’s license for a five-year probationary period, according to documents from the board.

Murphy called the decision “reprensible” and “unacceptable.”

“Folks who voted to reinstate this guy should hear this loud and clear: We will be looking very carefully and very soon (at) the makeup of that board,” he said.

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The story just confirms what I learned about New Jersey politicians after listening to Bob Menendez in 2016. They’re all corrupt doesn’t matter what side of the aisle they’re on over there.

Posted the following in the articles reply section, though I suspect Patch will delete it for not fitting their narrative.

IF this guy is an ACTUAL pedophile (as in competently diagnosed by psychiatrists as opposed to politicians, to include judges), then he is no threat to adults. According to the article, he’s permanently barred from treating anyone under 18, so what’s the problem? Those that take issue with it can simply find another chiropractor.

What I have a problem with is the state setting standards for license reinstatement and complaining when those standards are met. The state empowered the licensing board to make these decisions. Anyone is free to disagree with them, but threatening their jobs for following the state’s established procedures and using the discretion afforded them is just outright bullying. For that matter, why even bother having licensing boards and procedures for these occasions if the supposed all-knowing politicians have already decided the results?

The AG claims he didn’t present “evidence of rehabilitation.” Well, exactly what would such evidence be? What specific evidence would convince the AG that any prior offender – sexual or otherwise – is fully rehabilitated? The fact is that sex offender registrants are the least likely recidivists among all other criminals except murders, and half of their recidivism is for status offenses (parole, probation, or registry violations). Claims to the contrary are simply false; there isn’t one single study claiming otherwise that hadn’t been debunked by peer reviews of follow up. I’m not saying there aren’t any sex offender registrants committing more sex crimes – just that it is nowhere near as much as most people believe.

Should get a good amount of hate before it gets deleted, I should think (hope?).

Jersey the home of the Kanka’s and Rep. Chris Sex Trafficking Expert Smith. No other explanation needed.

“In addition to the probationary period, Bajakian is barred from performing chiropractic services on patients under 18. Any further criminal wrongdoings can also result in the end of the probation period, and the immediate suspension of his license.” So what’s the problem? They’re scared a guy who who flirted with teen girls on the Internet 16 years ago is going to assault adult patients? Any evidence such a thing has ever happened? Threatening the board members who did the right thing is disgusting. The “compassion” of Democrats such as Murphy towards supposed “marginalized people” is just voter pandering masquerading cynical brutality.

Reading the article only goes further to show that the decisions made by public officials are purely political and not fact based. A competent, knowledgeable board of professionals reviewed findings by phycologists and determined this man was not a threat to the community of an offense over 10 yrs old.
But the Governor, with no expertise in the subject, no direct knowledge, nor any professional training has determined otherwise. Grandstanding at its best.

What really gets me is that if you want to comment to an official about their actions, unless you somehow have an inside line, they make it next to impossible to do so.