SAN DIEGO – The fight to keep violent sexual predators out of a home on Mt. Helix intensified Wednesday as Supervisor Joel Anderson joined the effort in asking for change.
“Sadly, East County has become the dumping grounds for all our sexually violent predators,” Anderson said, claiming roughly 67% of the overall predators have been placed there.
“I will not allow my neighbors to be tortured by these violent criminals who are being rewarded for their disgusting behavior,” said Sarah Thompson, a woman who lives in the neighborhood.
After serving their prison sentences, sexual violent predators can make an appeal to have outpatient treatment. Currently, a San Diego judge is weighing the decision to allow a convicted sex offender, Douglas ____, that opportunity. It would mean letting him stay in a house near El Cajon, an area neighbors argue is filled with children.
The original story:
CA: East County neighbors angered over plan to house sex offender
They elect officials that create the problem of registrant hysteria lack of housing for registrants, then they cry at the results. Let’s shed a tear for them 🙁
Looks like the utopia lawmakers had in mind is rearing the disaster they created. Fear mongering, hate, lies and vengeance on a growing population with few places to live. Just maybe the lawmakers should of minded their own business and not passed useless laws on a dime just to make money. People don’t need the government sticking its nose in every aspect of life. Stay in your lane and tear down your hysteria on sex!!
Here’s an idea……Keep their situation confidential, allow them to find jobs and move forward with their lives, and tell the neighborhood, that is obviously filled with church going Christians, to take a flying fuck!
“I will not allow my neighbors to be tortured by these violent criminals who are being rewarded for their disgusting behavior,” said Sarah Thompson. So how exactly are the people being tortured? If these people on the registry were re-offending or committing other crimes it would have been in the headlines in bold print, so obvioulsy they are following the rules. All of us that have been in prison know that the majority of people in there for sex offenses are the ones you would prefer as your cell mate. They are the quiet ones who work jobs, spend their days in the library and follow the rules. In other words they are trying to get through this and get it over so they can rebuild their lives. I live in an apartment complex that has about a dozen people on the registry living here. Guess who are the quiet and clean ones that are polite and respectful and that actually know the difference between the recycle bin and the trash bin?
Oh, and I find it laughable that Sarah Thomson is so worried about these new neighbors while all of us that live in soutnern California know that her charming little town is the meth capitol of southern California. The odds that her kids will encounter someone offering them meth in high school is about 100%. She knows that and doesn’t know what to do about it so she will shift her focus to a more vulnerable group, one that is easily discriminated against and the poiticians will rally behind to gain few votes.
I love reading theses articles about sex offenders being released from prison into theses nice little neighborhoods i highly doubt their worried about their children being safe kids don’t even play outside like that anymore and parents these days are on it big time especially their daughters they’re just jealous these guys just got out of prison and they’re live in a nice house.
People love supporting Megan’s law while sitting on their high horse until they get buck off when one of their children or family members gets placed on it or when they find out 6 sex offenders just moved in next door.
What do people think once you labele someone a sex offender and chase them out of their neighborhoods that the problem just goes away no the more people in society keep turning a blind eye to what’s really going on their problems are only gonna get worse
Iv been a burden to my job my neighbors law enforcement and who ever else cares about my past its not my problem I didn’t labele myself a sex offender I didn’t post my address on Megan’s law call the cops and ask them why am I allowed to live my life in peace
Good luck 😎👌
Only time Americans care about children is in the womb. Otherwise education is underfunded, school shootings we get thoughts and prayers with no reform, drug overdoses continue, mental health underfunded, and cycles of domestic abuse/violence are allowed to continue. Sara the terrorist Thompson should be screaming about those issues than people she considers disgusting.
If they’re so up-in-arms about this issue, why don’t they just pass Residency Restrictions?
(Oh, that’s right, because Janice and ACSOL will sue the daylights out of them!! [And will win and be awarded legal fees!]😁👍🤗)
The 1st LIE in that VIDEO on Fox’s website….. the DESK loser announcer says his guy is LIVE IN EAST COUNTY… which is ElCajon… guess what that BUILDING behind him in the so called LIVE VIDEO doesnt even EXIST in el cajon !! nor east county…. El Cajon doesnt have hardly ANY 4 story buildings at ALL ! Just city hall !!
And that building has a JAIL in it that was broken out of because the walls were made of STYROFOAM and it was closed down ages ago !