KS: These two child porn crimes don’t require sex offender registration. A Kansas bill would change that.

Source: cjonline.com 2/8/22

Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt is pushing for lawmakers to require people convicted of certain child pornography crimes to register as sex offenders.

“This is a matter of the law needing to catch up with technology,” Schmidt said in a statement. “Sadly, as the methods of distributing visual depictions of children being sexually abused have expanded, so too must the legal tools available to respond to that sort of illegal behavior that harms kids. This added tool is needed to help prevent more kids from becoming victims.”

Senate Bill 368 was introduced at the attorney general’s request. The Senate Judiciary Committee held a bill hearing on Monday.

The bill would require people convicted of internet trading in child pornography or aggravated internet trading in child pornography to register as sexually violent offenders.

Such people aren’t required to register as sex offenders, even though people convicted of other sex crimes against children are required to register.

“We believe that that’s an oversight that we should correct,” senior assistant attorney general Melissa Johnson told the committee.

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Kansas residents: Here is your chance to write and call to fight yet more people going on the Kansas registry!

to register as sexually violent offenders.

Really? Viewing a pornographic image of a minor on a computer monitor, as morally repugnant as it may be, is now a VIOLENT act? I am wondering if this “violent” classification then qualifies the state to civilly commit the offender or to impose some other needless and un-ending punishment. If I were a betting man, I would wager that the answer is “yes”.

“…law needs to keep pace with technology.” No chance, absolutely no chance at all! This idiot is no different than the Rehnquist court in that he is completely lacks the necessary understanding of the workings of the database driven infrastructure. He is as unqualified to make such a statement. His statement however makes for useful optics. What is more apparent is he admits the database has enabled far more crime than it has circumvented.

Oh I get it. Put more people on the registry because it will prevent kids from becoming victims of sex crimes. anyone who believes that needs to go visit the Wizard and ask for a brain. And how is distributing CP a violent crime? While it is indeed a crime, it is far from a violent crime. Maybe its time for someone to update the dictionary so I can understand what words are supposed to mean now, since they no longer mean what they used to.

The irony of still pretending the registry keeping people safe when it keeps growing while having zero affect on the decline of associated crimes. If anything, the past two years had seen a growth in assaults and such.

“This is a matter of the law needing to catch up with technology,”

The Online registry is an abuse of power AND technology.The Internet was never intended to use for shaming purposes and promote hate with.

Sex will never stop!!! With out it the human race will die.. But on a different note Sex is Evil too law makers.But it makes money. Money talks and so does sex.. Than on a lower note the jails make money too. So do prisons. The tax payers dont see the cost or even ask why ? Am i paying 1000 of dollars. Cause you the goat. And all goats will eat anything… Just a money game to steal from taxpayers..