NJ: Area men among 21 accused of being child predators

Source: centraljersey.com 5/26/22

New Jersey Acting Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and Mercer County Prosecutor Angelo J. Onofri announced the arrests of 21 alleged child predators in “Operation Risky Business,” a multi-agency undercover operation targeting individuals who allegedly were using social medial in an attempt to lure underage girls and boys for sexual activity. 

The defendants will be prosecuted by the Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office and the Division of Criminal Justice.

The underage “children” were, in fact, undercover officers, according to information provided on May 26.

Most of the defendants in Operation Risky Business were arrested at either the undercover residence in Hamilton Township or another meet-up location, including the Hamilton Train Station, according to the statement. Those who went to the undercover house allegedly expected to find their victims home alone. Instead, they found law enforcement officers prepared to arrest them and process any evidence seized. 

Those arrested include four Megan’s Law registrants, an injury lawyer from Georgia, an information technology worker, a dump truck driver, and a pastry chef from the Pocono Mountains region. One defendant was arrested and charged in two cases because he was chatting online with two separate undercover officers.

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Four were registrants, it says. That leaves 17 who were not on the registry.

Big brother been busy. Must be election year.

If you want to read the biased, non fact based, completely shaded version of this, go to Fox News.

Ok. So, here’s my problem. If there was no actual child involved, how is this a crime? In an age where one can be convicted merely based on intent, I truly fear for America. The reason I fear for the country is because “sheeple” are so easlily led and they refuse to be informed. This isn’t just a sex offender issue. It’s a Constitutional issue. People trade there freedom away in the name of the illusion of safety. It doesn’t matter what Ben Franklin originally meant in speaking against trading liberty for safety. The fact is there is a made-up problem here. The idea that people aren’t safe because of sex offenders. Alternatively, what about my safety as a registrant? The safety from hidden threats because my very sensitive personal data is widely available to the public? The government exposes me to vigilante threats and then preaches about keeping people safe. What they mean is they only want “some” people safe. And no matter how much “most” people talk about doing what is right, they don’t. They do what is popular. They do whatever deflects scrutiny from them onto others. Because if something is distasteful or “too difficult” this generation of Americans just gets high and checks out. So, what I do is what everyone else does. I look out for me regardless of any larger events that happen in my country. It’s survival plain and simple. I have to eat, have shelter, transportation, and a job. I leave the heroism to others.

I just cannot believe this still works.

Educated people, a lawyer for cripe’s sake!

Four people who REALLY should know better.

Strange underage people do not want to bone you!

I just don’t get it.

The DDI and it’s role in case study sexploitation of our youth.

Missing North Texas teen found being sold for sex in Oklahoma City

So who is it that convinced the American people that the database like SOR can be used to protect our kids? I’LL be saving this one for FTR!