Source: 12/24/22
HACKENSACK, N.J. (1010 WINS) — The Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office asked the public to stop posing as children online in an attempt to lure pedophiles for YouTube videos on Thursday.
This style of vigilante pedophile hunting has become a popular form of schadenfreude-driven entertainment on YouTube and other video platforms. The content creators often model their makeshift stings after “To Catch a Predator,” the television show in which Chris Hansen would confront pedophiles with law enforcement waiting nearby.
What can be done to get YouTube to shut down these idiots? It seems the “law,” wants them shut down. Anyway to apply pressure legally???
Imagine a LEO or agency telling others “You can do that” with a database. The way these vigilant civilians think, they are assisting law enforcement. Maybe LEO shouldn’t have made pretending to be a minor on DDI venues the standard operating procedure in law enforcement practices.
There’s a Chanel on YouTube called “Protect The Innocent” The girl on there is hilarious, she pretends to be an underage child and lewers men to Walmart were she gets them to confess to the crime under the threat of calling the police then she publicly shames the guys and calls the police anyway.
They should be convicted by law and forced to register
That’s good that more articles are condemning these self-styled online Chris Hanson wannabes creating more problems for law enforcement than they serve. Let them become charged criminally and set themselves up to civil liability.
And in San Diego, they’re arresting people who the vigilantes are “catching”
Photographer arrested after sting by San Diego-based vigilante group