Civil Rights Attorney Speaks Out in Defense

SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif. – There’s new information on what a civil rights attorney says needs to be happening with ____ ____, the sexually violent predator recently released in Santa Barbara County. She says his release as a transient is doing him no favors, and she says ____ deserves a home.

Janice Bellucci has been advocating for reform to sex offender rights for many years now. Although Bellucci admits she’s been ridiculed many times for her views, she sticks firmly by them.

“They have declared these people to be safe to re-enter society, and yet society is treating them as if they are not safe,” says Bellucci.

Bellucci met ____ ____ when he was in Coalinga State Hospital. She even refers to him as “Ted”. She says ____’s release as a transient is blatant, unfair treatment. Full Article and Video


KCOY Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo – News

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It’s as though the people want it both ways: severe punishment including being subject to a medical protocol that follows legal definitions (oxymoron?) and not letting the subject return to society without further punishment, restrictions and ostracism.

Maybe the CDCR ought to have substantial re-entry programs which include housing on government land, or subsidized housing, a specialized re-entry package for each offender that will face difficulty on release and establishing partnerships with employers ahead of time that will allow the subject a reasonable chance at success.

With all the millions spent on things we know are based on false and exaggerated assumptions, why not spend a portion on that dealing with the realities of societal reintegration? What good is the program if the subject completes it and is essentially dumped out at the prison gates and subject to harassment and rejection, which is essentially a recipe for failure. It seems like a revolving door that taxpayers have paid for. We all deserve more from the CDCR or remove the name R from the title as well until Rehabilitation is taken seriously.

It is a complex issue but the punishment should be confined to the parameters of the subject’s sentence. The CDCR needs to show some willingness to work with these individuals and the community to fill this gap and help assure the community that these costly programs are effective. Sentencing guidelines are extreme but not infinite. Let’s get something in place that realistically defines the post incarceration phase that will serve everyone including the person that has ‘served’ his sentence.

In addition to J’s comment, thank you Janice Bellucci for fighting the fine fight. I join you in that fight.

I’m afraid we’re going to wake up one day and hear about a new bill proposal where the United States is going to banish all RSO’s the same way European societies did with Botany Bay and Papilloin prison.