Failure to Register: Are Violations Overblown?

“As a crime of omission, each failure to report ordinary life events is an opportunity for registrants to commit a new felony.”

Over the last two decades, registration for sexual offenders in the US has become the law of the land. It seems intuitive that tracking known sexual offenders should reduce sexual abuse, but with data indicating that sexual offense recidivism is much lower than widely believed and as many as 95% of arrests for sexual abuse are first time offenders, there are legitimate controversies about the sex offender registry, as well as valid questions about how efficacious it is to register and track known sexual offenders. Full Article

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I can make a good guess what California thinks about this… apparently every time a sex crime happens near where I live.. I get questioned.. The phantom bike groper to every blurry grainy b/w surveillance picture of a “person” getting oral sex from someone showing just the back side on the photo… Yes… be scared local authorities… I am everywhere….at any time… in all parts of this city… mawhahahaha

I get worried every time a child gets lost or runs away.

I would truly love to find out how many people were sentenced to more punishment (time in jail, prison, parole, probation) for FTR than for their actual crime.

Now THAT is a study I would be interested in.

This registration thing has totally destroyed my once good life. Now I can guess with a high degree of accuracy what it must have been like to be a Jew in 1930s-40s Europe. Does anyone know of a country I go to where I can live a normal life. I’m prepared to renounce U.S. citizenship if I can escape the perpetual punishment, discrimination and persecution. I am getting to the age where I would be an easy mark for some vigilante. I fear living in this society and am tired of living the lie.

I concur with you guys. Truly. I mean, they can’t keep tacking on these new stipulations/laws yearly? Eventually, someone is going to break? I received Summery Probation secondary to my plea 18 years ago? The charges have all been dismissed and the plea stemmed from a massage parlor. OC comes around twice yearly like I’m America’s most wanted to see that I’m abiding by the registration requirements? Its getting old.

I concur. I recently saw the registration process in Santa Ana and almost passed out? THey put people in jail and process them? Thats nuts. Then, we have people literally living homeless as a result of the process, signs being posted on lawns, people banned from schools/beaches/parks and even libraries? Then, on top of that, their personal information is posted online for all to see? Oh, I forgot to mention the 1-3 percent recedivism rate? Its nuts. I honestly and truly don’t know how people (registered sex offenders) can keep a level head. Seriously. I don’t know how. As I’ve mentioned in past comments, could you ever imagine such laws being instituted 10 years ago? Whats next? Ankle braclets? Oh, certain individuals are already wearing them. Oh, what about Sex Offender ID’s (CDL’s)? Some states already have them. Its nuts. Can you imagine anyone being banned from a park or beach (for life)? Thats nuts. Its surreal and hateful. I’m still in awe anyone could think of this. Its very disturbing

I was in the state of maryland and falsely arrested and charged with a 4th degree misdermenor by a woman who claimed to be my friends daughters mother . I sat in jail for months and couldnt get hold of anyone. my public defender was completely useless, I tried to fire him but he wouldnt let me. I ws so scared that he would have me convicted due to his incompitance . He finally told me that if i were to plea guilty to a misdermenor then I would be released that day and to come to his office to start the appeal process and overturn the verdict. he lied to me. I was never ordered to register as a sex offender though. the probation officers made me call them every day or face jail. I wasnt from maryland and had nowhere to live and nobody would hire me. I am from ft myers and went back there. I was assaulted and mugged at ft myers beach, and hospitalized for a month because of broken bones in my head and face.
even though it was a confidential hospital called lee county mental health. a receptionist there named regina went through my records and called a deputy named foreman to take me out of bed and to jail to register. he took me to jail and told me that if i didnt sign those papers then I would be arrested and charged with a felony. i needed to get back to bed and my medication so i did as told from fear of the medical treatment in jail.
I was told that maryland had passed an ex post facto law requiriing me to register there. from that point on I was forced to pay 35 dollars every time that i slept in a bed for more than two days. I couldnt get a job or find anyone who would rent to me. my job of more than ten years couldnt hire me back because of it. after being tired and dirty for months after being released I couldnt take it, and asked how to be removed from the list. it was for ten years. the officer in charge of my case said to move away…
I went to kentucky where friends believe in me still. and was forced to register there too but only because florida had made me. I did as told and was whispered out of church, assaulted and had my door kicked in etc..
I decided to go back to california where I have family. and all was fine for two years, until I was pulled over and asked my name. I was arrested and charged with a felony for failure to register. I posted 3000 dollars bond and the charge was dissmissed because of the ex post facto clause. however the officer contacted kentucky and had them put a warrent for my arrest. . I was chained up in the back of a van for 5 days and nights. I was charged with a felony . and forced to sleep on the floor for 6 months of an overcrowded cell in bell county ky. I was told that i would be there for up to a year longer before I went to court. the law in maryland was repealed the day before I was indigted, and the prosecuter named karen blondell didnt care and held me for months after she was aware of the repeal anyway. I was forced to plea f my own “free will” while in handcuffs and wearing stripes Or I would be there indefinately. now I have a felony on my record and if for any reason i am pulled over i will be dragged back to a kentucky prison . for a 4th degree misdermenor out of ky that they dont even care about. kentucky is keeping me on that list because of florida for life now and florida says it will not release me from its list because they just wont. even though the federal constitution says that they cant just make laws after the fact punishing people more that the original sentance. florida just does what it wants. and thats illegal. the constitution supercedes all state laws and it says that one court ruling has full credit in every other jurisdiction. maryland dosent have me on their list. what can I do about this . Ive lost everything Ive ever owned and my entier family has turned away from me. i was “sweated ” into a plea or i would still be in there right now. everyone ive ever known thinks im a pedophile except for the victims family who cannot believe this is happening to me. the dropped the charges even before the first court date. can I be compensated by anyone for any of this? how can I get off one of those lists? every time a policeman askes my name they want to charge me with something. sincerely james coulton