San Juan Man Guilty in Vigilante Murder of Sex Offender

A jury has convicted San Juan Capistrano resident Robert Eugene Vasquez of murdering his neighbor in what prosecutors described as a vigilante killing.

He was also convicted of almost killing a second San Juan Capistrano man two days later, as he was hiding out from the police. Full Article

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It was a sad day when Bobby Ray Rainwater, a registrant, was brutally murdered near his home in Orange County. How many more registrants must lose their lives to a vigilante such as Robert Vasquez before society understands that registration is indeed punishment? CA RSOL continues to mourn the death of Bobby Ray Rainwater and hundreds of others who have died at the hands of vigilantes. We thank the deputy DA in this case for prosecuting Bobby’s murderer and for clearly stating that he was murdered for no other reason than he was a registrant. It’s time for “Bobby’s Law”, a tiered registry bill, that would reduce the number of targets for vigilantes like Robert Vasquez! Anything less is society’s acceptance that all registrants are acceptable targets of vigilante violence.

“It’s time for “Bobby’s Law” Janice I’m on board all the way.

I really think this is an amazing idea. Bobby’s Law. He was a human being and in addition, this should also be considered a Hate Crime!

I agree with Janis and Mike. A District Attorney is just a lawyer who works for the state. Defense attorney’s the defendant, the difference being the source of funding. Any good attorney, prosecutor or defense prepares cases with both perspectives of prosecuting and defending attorneys. I know this because my defense attorney was a former prosecutor for the same court he defended me in as a private attorney. His ability to defend me (I was guilty as charged with no denial on my part – just wanted the best outcome – mitigated sentence) was phenomenal. Je, as a good attorney, just changed his “legal” hat. Just like us, prejudice is not good no matter who’s doing it.

I’m wondering if the litigating DA actually was using the vigilante argument in DEFIANCE of his boss, and perhaps the rest of the office. I’m sure Janice and her paralegals have taken every argument that supports this view, particularly how they actually negate the very tenets of the empire Tony Rackauckas has attempted to construct out of beach sand.

In short, not all DA’s are on the same political page, and I’m glad that Rackauckas was not able to delegate this conviction to another deputy. Ahhhh, in-house politics, beyond MY ken.

I’m outraged by this. I mean, lets be real. If this man hadn’t been required to register as a sex offender and his personal information hadn’t been posted online for all to see, this wouldn’t have happened! This is truly disturbing. Furthermore, I honestly really didn’t see much about this crime on TV or what not? This occurred in San Juan Capistrano? Its highly ironic that the DA of OC who is pushing for harsher and harsher stipulations and ordinances for sex offenders would prosecute this man! This is highly disturbing. Maybe what we should be doing every time someone comes knocking on our door is to ask what they are doing to protect us from future crimes like this? Seriously. Whats the OC DA doing? What is he doing to protect future victims and innocent bystanders like women and children? Its not a matter if this will occur again, its a matter of when and where?

Sounds like the best course of action would be to not rape anyone so you don’t end up on the sex offender registry. Problem solved.

@nvhdjs…..sounds like you need a sound check….to keep
people off registry is to be afforded the guaranteed Constitutional
fair trial….if only california supported and defended the oath to
the Constitution …there would be some NOT on registry…are we
clear..??……Are We Clear..!!!

Persons like him are suffering from “pedophobia”. It used to mean “fear of children” but I think applying it to “sex offender” paranoia is more apropos.