FL: Idea to put signs in sex offender’s yards brought up to Port Orange council

VOLUSIA COUNTY, Fla. — Port Orange City Council members met Tuesday night to discuss a proposal to put signs up in the yards of sexual predators that let everyone know just who is living in their neighborhoods.

The issue came about when a group of parents pushed to have a sexual offender moved away from a nearby elementary school. They got what they wanted when the man moved away. Full Article

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These people live in Florida and they are afraid of sex offenders? If I lived there I would be much more afraid (1) of Governor Scott and his fellow nut case politicians, and (2) of all the gun-toting, stand-your-ground crazies who might open fire without reason and without warning, as Zimmerman did with Trayvon Martin.

Let me add something regular visitors to this site may not like. While incarcerated in California state prison I met many sex offenders and many regular prisoners too. Frankly, the sex offenders tended to be very wimpy people unlikely to cause trouble anywhere. The rest of the prisoners—-well, not so much. So I conclude that the fear of sex offenders is greatly overblown. If you happen to meet one of them, try not to frighten him, that’s the way I see it. Live and let live.

The article makes it clear that the signs are not to protect anyone. They are to intimidate/shame/force the registrant to move away!

This is a very disturbing article! What about the gang bangers, drug dealers or those who have committed murder or people who beat their wives? I’m really into watching the history channel. The Jews living in Germany where banned from parks and sitting on benches. Furthermore, signs where later posted at their homes and places of business? What’s wrong with these people? This created hatred, racism, harm, physical violence and eventually the death of millions! This is no different! Cities and states are now banning sex offenders from beaches, parks, movie theaters (Palmdale), libraries, living in certain areas, posting their pictures/addresses online, banning them from working in certain sectors and now they want signs posted in front of their homes? We now have vigilantes killing sex offenders, harming their families and even harming innocent bystanders? Furthermore, we even have cities dealing with severe economic issues who are banning sex offenders from participating in Halloween?

Couldn’t one just spray paint on the sign to block out all the writing? Can’t see how they could charge you with vandalism when something is on your property. Or. “I dunno officer, I came out this morning and it was just like that.”

OK, everyone, today’s lesson in “How Politics Works 101.”

Here is the snippet:

Resident Margie Patchett was at the meeting and she said she’s convinced it would help send predators packing.

“When you shine the light on people like that and their neighbors find out, and other people in the community find out, I think that puts the pressure on them to move,” Patchett said.

Some council members expressed concerns that the signs could hurt property values.

“It would be hard to rent, hard to sell a home,” councilman Bob Ford said.

Patchett, who works in real estate, didn’t agree.

“I am more concerned about the safety of our children than the property values,” she said. “I think it’s more dangerous for our home values that they remain in our community.”

So first of all, we see the goal: To force registrants to move. But who’s doing the recommending? Answer: Our very own Miss Crony Capitalist, the local real estate agent, who has HUGE monetary interest in having more houses for sale!

You see, she doesn’t give a damn how expensive homes are, or how much economic damage are inflicted on homeowners. (Of course, this is beyond the terror the family members of residents feel, but no bother.)

Pratchett’s ONLY concern is money, money, money, as well as pure hatred. Unfortunately, this law will pass next meeting, as they don’t have a CA RSOL around to prevent this.

I don’t think signs are nearly as important as police presence,” Ford said. “They know that if they step out of line they are going to be confronted.”

Undiplomatic version: Take your signs and shove em. Let us do the policing around here.

This is just absurd…next thing they will have to wear neon orange shirts with a huge RSO on the front and back whenever they leave their homes. MY GOD!

The only comment I have about Florida is that I can’t wait for global warming to melt the polar ice caps and put the entire state underwater. Good riddance to the whole mess of a state. I am using a 10 times my carbon footprint to cause this to happen faster and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

Enough is enough. You can only push stupidity so far…I mean come on!

$$100,000 would be a great investment for the community to give a registered ex sex offender to move…..all cities or
counties should be offering that $$100,000 each to move….
for our children…..its a great investment for our community.

How about we set up a site that says” Move a sex offender out of Your neighborhood please donate”….LOL Then We could use all those delusional paranoid dollars of donations to Actually Move out of the country to some where like a country that does not extradite or care about us moving there !Any Ideas? ROTFLMAO!

Yes, when you figure, what is it, $40,000 a year to imprison us if we breeth in the wrong direction, they will end up coming out ahead in three years.