Could Gold Medal Gymnast McKayla Maroney Face Child Pornography Charges?

A new “We the People” petition is asking that the Obama administration charge gold-medal gymnast McKayla Maroney with production or possession of child pornography because the recently leaked nude images of her were taken when she was underage. And it’s not as outlandish a request as you may think. Full Article

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It is diabolical and SICK that people would start a petition to try to ruin a young woman’s life over something like this! God help this country!!!

Disagree! I wonder how you would feel if young you / your child were prosecuted for this very conduct. The law is the law and what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

When the only thing that stands between criminalizing an entire demographic (supposedly our most valuable) is prosecutorial discretion and things like gender or celebrity status, then those laws are bad laws and must be addressed and modified.

That will not happen without one landmark case. Does that suck for said landmark case? No doubt, but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

I don’t agree with this petition BUT, I hope it opens up a conversation with the pitchforked masses to think about the consequences of having a registry and just how easy it is to for a person to be labeled a sex offender.

Actually, you are both right.

It is indeed SICK that a society would prosecute someone for nude photographs of a non-sexual nature, just because of age.

On the other hand, it is necessary that the population understand the enormity of the registry’s actual damage that debilitates any freedoms that registrants must endure.

The problem with such a petition is that it attacks the wrong presmise, and not addresses the solution.

OK, no harm done. Find her guilty and suspend the sentence. Put her on the registry. No jail time and the registry is not punishment, is it? Supreme Court said.

I think your all right, and all wrong; our society has gone insane with their Victorian view on what they consider criminally sexual. As things are now many of the laws here are too far reaching and overly intrusive into the personal lives of people and have a negative impact on millions of people that committed no crime. These laws never have protected children; these laws have destroyed their innocence and ruined their childhoods.

No matter what happens I think it would be a good idea for CA-RSOL to reach out to McKayla Maroney and any other celebrity that finds themselves being sucked into the parallel universe may of us here are so familiar with. I think the celebrity status of McKayla Maroney and any other celebrity doomed to be attacked by the cancerous insanity that has plagued our society for so long are people the public and law makers would listen to.

The reason I think CA-RSOL should reach out instead of RSOL national is because California seems to be the trend setter in many things; especially laws. Thanks to Janice and CO California is leading the charge, and winning many victories in the fight against these preemptive laws conceived in the minds of evil people.

I agree with both points of view. Having said that, what differentiates her from all the other teens who have been charged and convicted of these same charges? Should she not be charged and tried for child pornography because she is famous and is an Olympic athlete? Where is the fairness for the teenager whose family has no money and no connections? It is a catch 22 situation. My suggestion is to revamp all the sex offender laws nationwide and eliminate the registry all together. If the powers that be insist on a registry, there should be a registry for all crimes (drug dealers, drunk drivers, domestic abuse etc.) I for one would be more concerned about the neighborhood drunk or drug dealer. I must admit fame doesn’t get you everything: Look what happened to Ray Rice? How many other domestic abusers get away with no public acknowledgement of their crime? How many unknown repeated drunk drivers are out there? The public shaming of people who have committed some crime has got to STOP. Hopefully, it will start with the elimination of the sex offender registry.

Wow, to think some a-hole actually took the time to create this petition.

I am relieved to see that, at the time I checked, only 566 had actually signed this joke. Probably the same jack @$$.