TX: 10-year-old girl arrested for allegedly raping 4-year-old boy

HOUSTON — The mother of a 10-year-old girl accused of raping a 4-year-old boy in their apartment complex said police have got it all wrong.

“She was just being a child having fun and playing,” the woman said. “She didn’t know she was doing anything wrong.” Full Article

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Too bad about this young girl. She may need some therapy (especially) if she is a victim of sexual abuse herself but she shouldn’t have been arrested.
How are folks supposed to have respect for the law when it is clearly out of control.

I WILL get my law degree. I WILL pass the BAR, somehow, some way. I’ll be damned if kids are going to keep getting prosecuted by the laws that were intended to protect them.

And I WILL propose legislation in California that changes the definition of 288(a) so that kids under 14 will fall into another bracket that offers them relief, privacy and less harsh sentences. First California, then Washington. This $^!% has got to stop. IT’S GOT TO STOP!!!


Sometimes when I read stuff like this I want to rage on and on about “This is what you want people!” Yes, I’m sure every morning that mother is fearful that someone is going to molest her daughter, and she is pushing the government to enforce harsher laws against sex offenders and bam it happens… her daughter is a sex offender… Soon its going to be a paranoid world with crazier laws, kids in parks molesting each other, someone looks at someone its molesting… wait a minute.. its already happening…

This girl did need someone to sit her down and explain to her what she did was wrong and why. This girl did NOT need someone to arrest her and traumatize her by keeping her locked up for four days. If she needed therapy for doing what she is accused of doing to the boy, she would need even more after the police were done with her. This is one of the most ludicrous things I’ve ever heard about, which is saying a lot!

I remember when kids played doctor, house or mutual show and tell, it was just curiosity and a normal thing at least once in a kids life. I still didn’t understand what sex was until I was 14 or 15. Now their going to destroy a child’s life over this? It’s one thing if it’s an adult or almost adult, it’s another thing when their both not even teenagers. I wonder if the 4 year old would even make a good witness? It would suck to have anyone’s life destroyed from the testament of the average 4 year old. One problem is that kids now have access to free porno. That probably doesn’t help the situation. When I was a kid, all we had was the rare chance to look at a playboy at a friends house.

Interesting arrest. If this 10 yr old girl was a male cop, she would walk totally free!

It is truly unconscionable what the authorities are doing to these children. I have come to believe that it is these people; the accusers, are the ones that society and children need to be protected from. Children play and experiment, just as they have been doing since before man first crushed grapes. God gives everyone a sexual instinct for a reason. I only hope the four year old doesn’t understand what the authorities are (and you know they are) trying to ingrain in his mind and grow up with a victim mentality. These accusers are not qualified to be the arbiters of anyone’s sex conduct; this is as obvious as the nose on anyone’s face. Perhaps if some of what they say they know was based on fact I would think differently. As things are, just about all of what they say is rhetorical, said for effect and seldom factual. These people know too much of things that simply are not so.

I wish the article would have explored how the 4 year old reacted. Did he act like a victim or like he was playing? Adults might be causing more harm to the kids by elevating sexual exploration to a public criminal offense.