Is It ‘Very Offensive’ for Sex Offenders to Demand Just and Sensible Laws?

The New York Times notes a recent conference in Los Angeles aimed at calling attention to the excesses and injustices of laws aimed at sex offenders. The Times reports that the 100 or so attendees—sex offenders plus their girlfriends, wives, and mothers—”hope to convince judges, lawmakers and the public that indiscriminate laws aimed at all sex offenders are unconstitutional and ineffective.” Illustrating the mentality they are fighting, Nina Salarno-Ashford, a lawyer with Crime Victims United, tells the Times.

[quote cite=”Nina Salarno-Ashford”]I find it very offensive that registered sex offenders are trying to defeat the measures we have put in place to protect children. They created their own issues. In trying to find sympathy, they’re forgetting that somebody was assaulted, in many cases a child.[/quote]

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Wow… I can’t believe I just read that..

I find it offensive that women want to vote
I find it offensive that people with Japanese blood isn’t locked up
I find it offensive that people are not hanging from a tree out in the open
I find it offensive that children are not used has cheap labor
I find it offensive that black people can no longer be sold and bought for slavery…

In those times of these remarks I typed, it was perfectly legal for such things to be done.. But now they they are the daily norm. Women can vote, Japanese descendants are not locked away because of their blood, children can go to school and if they do enter the workforce they are protected, and black people are free… There were people on both sides that fought for and against these breakthroughs in society..
And this is what we have..

I find it OFFENSIVE that ninasolaroaskher it doesn’t matter what her name is…..prefers communist type laws…dictator type agenda on free Americans …….I find it OFFENSIVE she
prefers putting people back into double jeopardy …ex post
facto restrictions….I find it OFFENSIVE that she prefers people accept injustice……You First.

I would like to note that the full article in the New York Times, very generous in its quotes including Janice, is here:

I find it offensive that people who had law degrees and classify themselves as experts in the law, thumb their noses at the Constitution on a daily basis.

Any American citizen who feels it is wrong to question a policy, should perhaps reconsider their right to vote, to speak out, to be a better person. Such closed mindedness is not only very unhealthy for that person, it is quite often contagious, and can infect so many others around them. Spreading a false justified hatred towards their own neighbors. Great smokescreen to keep minds occupied while other serious issues are being ignored or swept under the rug… (shhhh) no one’s lookin’.

Oh my, now facts come into play in an emotionally charged statement? Please, please, we can’t confuse these poor souls with FACTS! They have a population to frighten with lies…

Somehow, our government has to got to put an end to money being channeled from one political source to another under the table. The fact that Crime Victims United get’s their funding from the California Correctional Peace Officers Association is a major conflict of interest. The private prison system is also a sham. Corrections Corporation of America is spending $45 million per year lobbying the legislature for tougher mandatory sentencing! Really? Really!

Fear not, my friends, it is not us with the problem. Out society is so screwed up. I think I’m developing an attitude to which I no longer care what the population thinks, what the media reports, or what our government sets forth as “right” or “wrong.” Our stupid legal system is operating off of principles we inherited from nearly a thousand years ago! (Norman Invasion of England in 1066). Lawyers can be disbarred for an ethics violation, advocating civil disobedience, but no one blinks an eye when they represent a dubious organization that serves as a false front for people who are worried about job security. There is going to be a change.

Any of you who are reading this (registrants, wives, children…etc…), I urge you, really, to go out and get a law degree and/or a political science degree. Become a paralegal or maybe even a lawyer. You will learn so much about the law, it may enable you to fight your own battles pro per, you can help the RSOL, you can lobby, you write articles…etc…A change will come, but we need to work for it. If you can’t study at the academic level, then learn all you can on your own time. The internet is useful but fact-check and verify information. Pick up a “Constitutional Law for Dummies” book, at the very least!

Maybe we need a plan and organization, so we can know how to channel this frustration we feel into action. I can’t see how one person can have enough knowledge to challenge this behemoth alone. They’ll keep passing ordinances here and there, whittling away the resources we can scrape together, until we all wake up in reservations or plantations or concentration camps. Or prisons, as we now call them.

Nina Salarno Ashford seems to think we are looking for sympathy; not true. We look for justice and our rights that supposedly every American is guaranteed. Just once, only once, I would like to see one of these panic mongers produce a list of facts that back up their claims. All these unconstitutional laws have been in effect for quite a while, so where is the proof that these laws protect children, what are the statistics? How many people can say with certainty and produce proof that these laws protected a child? I believe facts do not exist because there are none, and the only thing these laws do is violate the civil rights of people that have made a mistake and have paid their debt to society, as well as destroy the childhood of the children of RSO’s, their families and waste money and make possible assaults and murders of RSO’s that have paid their debt to society. Murderers are treated better than we are.

Here is a link that shows how Volatile this is getting “A SUSPECTED HOMELESS MAN KILLED BY AN ACCUSATION!

I am not looking for sympathy for any punishment I duly earned for a past act. I thank society for showing me my error. Now I wish for the same treatment afforded the majority of ex offenders, who have past convictions that do not have the word “sex” attached to them, and have served their time. I wish to regain rights promised in the Constitution. Even prisoners have the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. That is what RSOL is doing. This is America. Remember.