CA RSOL Meeting in Fresno – March 22

California RSOL’s monthly meeting for March will take place in Fresno on March 22 at the Mennonite Hall, 5015 E. Olive Street, Fresno, CA 93727. It is scheduled from 10 am – 12 noon.

Registrants, family and friends, supporters and professionals are welcome to attend. Media and Government officials are not invited in order to ensure everyone’s privacy. We will discuss current topics, changes in the laws as well as pending litigation and advocacy strategies.

We hope to see you and yours on March 22 – Show up, Stand up, Speak up!

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I am going to try like crazy to make it to this meeting. I need to pick up some papers for Paul at the court house so maybe can go to the meeting and then go over there.

Janice, I will be there. Please email an estimate for the trip expenses and I’ll see to it that they’re covered and not out of your pocket

It would be a good idea to record these sessions and make them available via podcasts. I certainly can not make it to the Fresno meeting and I attended the last meeting in Los Angeles. As a support network for my family member who is in San Diego with the 290 label, this is great information to pass on to him so he can defend himself from the stipulations set forth by the P.O. Knowledge is Power!


I live in OC and and to a battery wobbler 18-19 years ago and received summary probation. All charges dismissed and no issues prior or thereafter! Annually, the OC Sheriffs Dept does a location check (see if I live at the documented address). Normally, I’m not home. They have flashed their (undercover) badges at my parents, wife and now relatives visiting from out of town! Honestly, I’m not happy about it and I’m always very cordial with them. It’s upset my parents and wife! Any thoughts or ideas? I was going to say that I have a concern for my safety and families safety (people who harm sex offenders/or families) and is there anyway we can address this? Then, perhaps ask what they are doing to insure my safety ( in both a professional and serious manner)? Any thoughts?

Thank you Janice! I had my charge expunged back in 2002 and received Summary Probation initially! I’m just upset they show up when I’m not home (flashing badges while my parents are watching my children/my wife who is in her car for work and now my neice!).

in the work each state must do to fight these laws. Don’t just complain; do something to change your situation!

Hi Janice you came to Bakersfield last time i didnt get to go but not sure what your trying to accomplish but it would be nicer if make a bill for all felony records should be wiped away after 7 years.

Janice, I have a really important question. I’m presently conviction free and never been on formal probation or parole. Anyways, I live in the Seal Beach area and in the process of doing a serious remodel on our home. In summary, we will probably end up moving out of our home for around 9 months. IN order to save money/the rehab is costing enough, we might stay at a relatives in Long Beach for a few days of the week, another relatives in Lakewood a few days of the week and another relatives in South OC on the weekends. In summary, these are 3-different locations (including my own/a 4th) on different days of the week. Furthermore, all 3 areas aren’t in my jurisdiction and each city has a different location to register? So, if I wanted to be formal, I would have to register in 4 different cities? Any ideas or thoughts? I have no idea what to do? Register as a transient?