LAS VEGAS — The Nevada Supreme Court has delayed the start of the sexual offender registry law, also known as the Adam Walsh Act. The new law, which was to go into effect Feb. 1, would make the names of more sex offenders publicly accessible. The law says a sex offender, as young as 14 years old, must now publicly register.
The Nevada Department of Public Safety expressed concerns about the manpower required to implement the law and sought a delay. Source
Nevada Supreme Court orders delay in enforcement of sex offender registration law
Nevada Supreme Court orders delay in enforcement of sex offender registration law
I hope you can get this information out to the public. I am a Californian and on the registry for a “crime” that did not involve “sex” and there was no “victim”. Yet I feel like a victim and and I have been punished countless times/continually ever since I was convinced to plead guilty. Ex post facto is not afforded to anyone that has had the misfortune of being arrested for anything that has the label “sex’ attached.
Empirical evidence shows that the AWA and all of the other feel good laws/act’s do nothing to protect anyone and in fact increase the risk to the public by giving them a false sense of security and not addressing any problem at all; the AWA just $ costs $ costs $ costs. We victims of the AWA here in California and every other state that has adopted the AWA refer to the registry as the “hit list” because it has been used far to many times by vigilantes to locate and harass, assault and murder people on the registry.
The AWA also has, what some would call unintended consequences for the families and children of people on the public registry. This invariably comes in the form of financial hardship and difficulty finding safe housing, as well as making the registrant virtually unemployable, thus placing added financial hardship on the registrants extended family because they must support them, and the ones whose families can not help end up losing everything and are forced to live on the streets.
When it comes to children, the very ones the people pushing these laws/acts claim to wish to protect, the effects of their parents being on the registry is devastating. I can not describe what these innocent children go through better than the child that calls herself Kat; here are two links to her YouTube page where she describes what she has been subject to because her father was put on a public registry. The AWA and all associated laws also teach children who’s parent is not on the registry how to hate. The AWA is evil and I am sure if Adam Walsh knew of all the lives (including the childhood of children) destroyed in his name that he would not approve.
I hope you can get at least some of this information out there so the public can make an informed decision and not a decision based on misinformation, grossly overstated statistics and panic. The strategy for the proponents of these laws is to instill fear backed up with misinformation.
Thank you for listening to me; Q
As a 1-time offender living in Nevada, I’m hopeful that maybe a court will rule against this unconstitutional beast, for once. Has the pendulum/wrecking ball finally started to lose momentum? Will people/courts wake up and realize that more is not better and renders a program more ineffective the bigger it gets? History should tell us that the best we can hope for is a delay in what we fear is inevitable, but maybe people will see the parallel to this and spying on them while they play Angry brds…”just in case.” Time will tell, but hopefully it won’t tell too soon because it always ends up winning on appeal.