VA: Teen Girl Accused Of Posting Nude Selfies, Arrested For Child Porn

A 16-year-old Virginia girl is facing child pornography charges, after police say she posted photos of herself naked on Twitter.

Authorities received an anonymous tip describing the photos, which were posted to Twitter around Jan. 30. The girl, a student in James City County, admitted to posting “multiple” lewd photos of herself to the social networking website last week, according to police. Full Article

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Surely this can’t happen in Amerika. Right?

Of course it can… and now we see it did.

This makes me SO sick. This is a slap in the face of TRUE VICTIMS of c.p. Someone taking a nude “selfie” has NOTHING to do with forcing children to perform acts on camera. These are night and day differences, yet they are prosecuted as the same. This country makes me SICK!!!

That is excessive.

The world is now a safer place, thanks to this arrest. Yeah, right?

Throw out the idea that the main goal is to protect children. It is to find new devients to fill the jails. The crime rate is too low to feed the morphing penal industrial complex, as it has grown an appetite that can’t be satisfied.

So if you add the total implications of registration and subsequent publication of her info, people will believe that she is a danger to society and people must protect their loved ones from her?!

She is the perpetrator and the victim all wrapped up in one neat little package.
Obviously any legal wavering goes against Ms. Hyde not for the Doc.

Can she apply for victims rights? After all she is a minor that essentially violated herself.

The law has essentially painted itself into a corner as far as I can see, but wait – it is under the color of authority, so it must be right…

Sorry if i sound sarcastic but we have gone light years away from reasoning
with no hope in sight of returning under the constructs of this law.

These cases are the worst abuse of laws designed to protect real victims. Even the parents of Megan Kanaka have spoken out against these type of cases. Megans law was supposed to help protect children, not be used to harm them. The police and prosecutor should be ashamed of themselves, they are actually harming a child. This is worse than anything I’ve ever done as I’ve never harmed anyone or forced anyone to do anything.

I think it safe to assume that the likelihood that this child was terrorized by the police in order to get her to “admit” her “crime” is indeed high. Granted; this child used poor judgement in her choice of the venue to post her picture to her prospective beau.

I think the state has proven it’s self poorly suited to be the arbiter of anyone’s conduct, be it sexual or otherwise. I think this child is obviously coming into sexual awareness (one of the basic instincts inherent in all living things, and normal)and the state and the people are foolish if they think they can rewrite what is natural to be the way they think it should be; that’s insanity. just look at the mess they have created.

Now they attack children (and seem to be proud of it). Some may say she should not have been taking these kind of pictures in the first place, this is probably so, but the state must realize that you cannot stop kids from exercising poor judgement at times; they are not perfect, and the state is it’s self exceedingly far from perfect, I’ve come to look on this whole hysteria as insanity. I heard insanity described as doing the same thing (something self defeating and or destructive) over and over again expecting different results; and this is what the state is doing, all they have to do to realize this is to remember the Jim crow laws, the Mac Catrhy hysteria, or look at apartheid in South Africa. They only think they are wise, their mentality proves they are in some sort of a stupor from the highest levels on down to the bigot setting in front of his computer looking at porn while condemning us RSOs.

Mistakes, it’s one of the ways kids learn (mistakes) and they do not need to have their childhood destroyed because of it. If the state really wants to stop kids from posting pictures of them selves they are going to have to outlaw anyone under 18 from owning or possessing cell phones and cameras; and I guarantee kids will find a way around it. This is lunacy.

Wow.. yet again the impossible happened.. a young girl forced herself to take nude photos of herself… She violated herself..

On one hand I feel she should take the full blunt of the law and be banished from society…
On the other hand its a good demonstration on how stupid the law is.. how is the law suppose to protect a child’s body from the child…..

I have not read through this report, yet, but I was struck by the graph that compares the incarceration rate for juveniles in the US compared to other developed nations.

“lewd photos” implies she should also be charged with lewd conduct with a minor for gratifying the lust, passions, or sexual desires of that person (herself).

Throw the book at her!

Oh, but the authorities may not be finished (ruining young lives)! There are, after all, boys who received the images the girl sent to them. Surely they are guilty of receiving “kiddie porn” and downloading it. Let’s see the cops go after them too, I’m sure they will.

There is no crime here. This is simply mind-blowing and only the twisted mind of a politician and/or judge could conceive of this as a crime.

I am ashamed to be an American. 1984 is finally here…it just arrived a few years late. There is no privacy, the phones are tapped, camera are everywhere…you are always being watched and profiled.

I don’t want that child anywhere near a cop, as we now have the numbers…

Cops are 3 times as likely to sexually assault someone than someone already on the registry.

See: or source:

We must protect the children from themselves… They must be forced into straitjackets and shackled to the floor while being under a 24hr watch.. Since they are always in contact with their victims (themselves) and risking destroying a future of the child victim, we must take extreme measures because the children are our futures…

Way to go Kathie. All these posts seems like a choir of kids. Bottom like dudes, and I’m an adult. We all make mistakes. Nudity is Nudity. What if you were driving down the road and your dash console had a portable computer installed in it and some 16 year old new picture pops up and that causes you to ram some car because you got excited. Your endangering others…. get the point. Whether its a boy or girl nudity is nudity and it makes cops look good also to get that quota of sex offenders off the internet. This whole issue makes one sick and there’s is three things we can do. Laugh or Cry or Show Compassion.