Through our elected representatives efforts, they have legally created a class of people and that class is registered citizens. What does this mean as far as our judicial system is concerned. It means that this group of people are now able to stand on the same ground to fight their battles as anyone else, that is been discriminated against because of race, color, creed, religious views, disabilities, or ethnic background. One of the things to realize is that denying this group of citizens the ability to travel freely to use public facilities to choose where to live or to denying them work is in fact a form of segregation. No different than denying Members of a ethnic group from living in certain communities using publicly funded facilities or services. Make no mistake denying any group of people the ability to live or work where ever they choose or the use of public facilities that are available to everyone else. Is a form of segregation no matter what some may use as an excuse for the justification of the segregation. Full Article
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Well written article highlighting the truth – an elusive commodity in the world of lawmakers.
The constitution is actually broken, not stretched to the breaking point as I have previously alluded. Thanks to this author for going beyond emotion and getting to the salient facts and relating them to the specific protections in the constitution that are being breached. Here you have a case of the lawmakers finding ways to actively dismember the constitution and relying on an uniformed and misinformed public to do it under the color of authority.
Thanks infinitely to the author and the few courageous individuals that bring truth to bear on this grotesque and unnecessary misuse of power and authority. We should be inspired to push forward and find meaningful ways for each of us to fight this injustice and render relief at all levels to the countless broken lives and families that have resulted in the wake of these laws.
Are CA lifetime supervised sex offenders subjected to polygraph exams?
If so, do you have rules and regulations about the process?
Would appreciate your input since we are having a problem with this in Nevada… among many other problems in prisons and now, with the possible adoption of the Adam Walsh Act.
Will appreciate in input, or links…
Thank you.
Thank you all very much for this education. I appreciate your taking the time.
Fingers crossed that relief will trickle down for all who suffer soon.
Just saw The Hunt, now on Netflix. This film is excellent. Food for thought on many levels that will hopefully cause a reduction in stigma.
Thank you again.
“Men decide far more problems by hate, love, lust, rage, sorrow, joy, hope, fear, illusion, or some other inward emotion than by reality, authority, any legal standard, judicial precedent, or statute.”
–Marcus Tullius Cicero
Roman philosopher, politician, lawyer, orator,
political theorist, consul
and constitutionalist, 43 BC.
In case you have not seen this about the NV challenge to the implementation of the Adam Walsh Act… here’s a copy that I found on the net…
Best to all in this struggle… I like the Cicero quotation very much… so true, so long ago.. and now…