Online rights restored to sex offenders as Prop 35 is struck down (Radio)

The United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has struck down part of California’s Proposition 35, citing an infringement on free speech that is guaranteed by the First Amendment. Prop 35, a bill put on the ballot via initiated state statute, increased prison terms for human traffickers, required sex traffickers to register as sex offenders, and mandated that all registered sex offenders disclose their internet accounts, among other restrictions. Having been approved by 81% of the state’s electorate, the proposition passed with the highest success rate of any item on the California ballot since its inception in 1914.

Guests: Janice Bellucci, President of California Reform Sex Offender Laws Full Article / Radio Show

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Ballot propositions which contain unconstitutional provisions should never be put up for a vote in the first place. The public simply does not have the right to override the Constitution. If you want to change the Constitution, there is a long and difficult process you have to go through.

Lastly: as a matter of personal style and preference, I try always to treat others with respect and dignity. But I well recall a discussion, when I was in graduate school at the University of California, with an elderly professor. I was asking him concerning some public law—-this was during the Vietnam era. His reply was, “The public? The public is an ass.”

Well, I think this is another example of the cities or government leaders overstepping the boundaries of the law! I hope this sends a clear message ! I can maybe understand someone required to be banned from using a computer/ect while on Parole, but this was nuts! Great victory!

I have developed a system of influencing that if taken to heart and acted on will make a difference at city, county, state and federal levels.

Forgive me and my lacking towards defining what resources are available to you via your local hair salons and barber shops. These people are directly in touch with voters …they are the boots on the ground.

How can you use their relationships with community to promote our rights in this war? What does a hairstylist and barber value most? Their cutting tools.

If you determine to sharpen their scissors for free stating (XYZ politician) sponsored their scissors to be sharpened…that (XYZ candidate) will be voted for and one thing hairstylist do is talk. If a politician is playing the race card( I mean sex offender card) they now have a problem. Just go to their rival with your sponsorship program.

I will teach you these easy skills and we will take the country back one hair salon and barber shop at a time! Although this is a complementary service (a month before elections ONLY) hairstylist usually give tips out of appreciation..I averaged $100 a day in tips for all the free work done. The normal fee for sharpening is $25 per scissor (outside of election season). Robert Curtis (949) 872-8768.

I am a registrant that use to be a salon owner and hairstylist. The registry will be defeated. Our fight ladies and gentlemen is a patriotic one. We are all soldiers in this war…there are no civilians on the registry. Justice will prevail.

The politician as a sponsor must (or should) agrees to give a donation to an organization that supports battered women and/or rape victims. Well, that’s what I requested of my candidate in lieu of me being paid..Good PR for registered sex offenders if the secret gets out.