*** Please read Janice’s Journal: Courage and Effort do Pay Off… ***
Despite testimony from ACLU and California RSOL, a second legislative committee today approved a bill (AB 201) that would allow cities and counties to pass laws prohibiting registered citizens from being present in or near public and private places. Ten individuals, including registered citizens, also testified in opposition to that bill.
The Assembly Local Government Committee approved the bill in a vote of 5 to 0. One member of the committee, Richard Gordon (Democrat, Los Altos), abstained from voting.
“There is still time to stop this bill,” stated California RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “In order to do so, we must increase the number of phone calls made and letters sent.”
The next legislative step is consideration of the Senate version of this bill, SB 267, by the Public Safety Committee on May 12. No date has yet been set by the same committee in the Assembly.
Get Involved
Write Letters
[Attached is a draft letter (Senate Letter – SB 267 – April 2015 (MS Word or Plain Text)) to the Senate Public Safety Committee and below a list of its members including mailing addresses and phone numbers].Make Phone Calls
- the bill #
- your position on the bill
- your name
- your city
Senator Loni Hancock, Chair
State Capitol, Room 2082
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4009
Senator Joel Anderson, Co-Chair
State Capitol, Room 5052
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4038
Senator Mark Leno
State Capitol, Room 5100
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4011
Senator Carol Liu
State Capitol, Room 5097
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4025
Senator Mike McGuire
State Capitol, Room 5064
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4002
Senator Bill Monning
State Capitol, Room 313
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4017
Senator Jeff Stone
State Capitol, Room 4062
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 651-4028
How can they do this? It is all based on lies and the public is being deceived by untrue and false information. How can the public not be outraged that they are being lied to by these politicians. Are all registered citizens affected by this? Isn’t this another blanket restriction similar to the one in San Diego that was deemed unconstitutional? This is crazy.
I’m confused. FIrst, the bill states that sex offenders all pose a high risk of re-offending? Thats a lie! Then, it mentioned or mentions that certain high risk offenders info will be released? Can you clarify this? I have a battery charge from 20 years ago expunged? How will I be affected? This lawmakers are very dishonest!
War on RC by CA.
The only way to stop this is in the courts after it passes noone is going to oppose these bills. I think its great that people are speaking up and writyng letters but gear up rso this is happening here ob cali just like Florida. Hope someone has the resources a.d ability to challenge these laws as soon as they are enacted. Continue calling and writing but gear up.
I wonder if RSOL’s support is why they passed it? They know who we are and why we protest these stupid-ass laws so maybe that’s why they passed it. Anybody else got a thought on this?
Prison without the walls.
Well, this is highly irritating of course. However:
1) I looked up both Senate and Assembly versions of the bill. Assembly allows locals to limit residence, but Senate bill does not, it was removed.
2) both allow restrictions on presence, and Senate enumerates examples: day care centers, parks, schools.
3) Schools are already a no-no.
4) In my county, Kern, there is one restriction on the books already: you cannot be present on the premises of a licensed day care center. You can’t live there either, it says.
5) The judgment of the supreme court already got rid of residence restrictions. So I am hoping that doesn’t change.
The problems these politicians are trying to solve seem to me to be purely imaginary. I wish they would turn there attention back to the real world and get to work on jobs and income for the average person. Crusading against witches and demons may grip the public imagination, but it does nothing to improve real life.
I don’t know how to formally form a group to go on record opposed to a bill but maybe there is a way we could we start a group called “Californians Against Segregation” or “Californians Opposed to Segregation” and then publically voice opposition for both bills on the record…It might be harder for members to vote for a bill opposed by an anti-segregationist group…
Well, I think this is terrible! We have other government agencies are requesting increased leniency/tiered system and new parole board rules! To be honest with you, these proposed laws are becoming out of control. First, its becoming increasingly difficult to function. I’m 20 years after a battery charge/not child related/expunged. So, the thought of this affecting me is rather overwhelming me. I’m in the top 5 percent of earners and I pay a lot of taxes! So, how can I continue to support a state thats so messed up?
There is bad case of stupid in this country about RC issues. Stupid is defined as:
: not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and understand things
: not sensible or logical
: not able to think normally because you are drunk, tired, etc.
(sto͞o′pĭd, styo͞o′-)
adj.stu•pid•er, stu•pid•est
1. Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
2. Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
3. Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
4. Dazed, stunned, or stupefied: felt stupid after taking the pain medication.
5. Used to express disparagement or exasperation: Take your stupid notebook and go home.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2011 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
stupid (comparative stupider or more stupid, superlative stupidest or most stupid)
1. Lacking in intelligence or exhibiting the quality of having been done by someone lacking in intelligence.
Because it’s a big stupid jellyfish!
2. To the point of stupor.
Neurobiology bores me stupid.
3. (archaic) Characterized by or in a state of stupor; paralysed. [quotations ▼]
4. (archaic) Lacking sensation; inanimate; destitute of consciousness; insensate. [quotations ▼]
5. (slang) Amazing.
That dunk was stupid! His head was above the rim!
6. (slang) damn, annoying, darn
I fell over the stupid wire.
• dense, dumb, retarded, unintelligent
• (especially in the Caribbean) stupidy
Excuse my rant, but I don’t see any of these “concerned” legislators proposing life-long registration AND park & school bans for convicted drug dealers or gang members! These two groups have much higher recidivism rates and do a great deal more harm to children, youth, and the public in general. Consider how much drug use and gang activities cost the public every year? Oh, don’t let me forget that they get to be “EX-gang members” and “FORMER drug dealers”, whereas we are always and without qualification called “sex offenders”, never EX-sex offender or FORMER sex offfender (as if our offenses are current, constant and never-ending.) They are lauded for their turn-arounds such as when a “former gang member starts an after school program for underserved youth”. All is forgiven, you’re a role model now! But once a registered citizen …… Well, you get my point. (Thanks for letting me vent my frustration, folks.)
(BTW: I’m frustrated with the unfairness of our societal norms, but I’m glad that at least some folks are allowed to rehabilitate and start new lives.)
Herer here David its sick how the real problems like you pointed out are ignored and all rso are targets for these law makers. It’s disgusting.
Hey USA if your in the top 5 percenters why don’t you sponser my boilerplate motion so that all low or moderate risk offenders could use including you. I’ve worked countless hours on it perfecting it and gathering relevant info. I’ve researched extensively on the elements for a motion for injunction relief I believe all we need is a attorney to refine it ad case law and format it into a proper court doc. I’ll send you a copy if you want and you can have an attorney give you price. No one seems to wa.t to listen to me but if you research you will find that similar motions have been granted for a multitude of reasons.
I have lewd act of minor 14 got probation I was 18 if these
Bill passed will I have to fight to stay in my house.with my wife
And kids